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Chemical Compound Review

Vicasol     2-methylnaphthalene-1,4-dione

Synonyms: Aquinone, Kaergona, Kappaxan, menadione, Vitamin K3, ...
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Disease relevance of menadione


Psychiatry related information on menadione


High impact information on menadione

  • Bcl-2 protected cells from H2O2- and menadione-induced oxidative deaths [6].
  • We demonstrate that transcription of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae MT gene CUP1 is strongly activated by the superoxide anion generator menadione [7].
  • Growth in menadione reconstituted Deltapsi of JB-1 to a level equivalent to 6850, and was associated with greater depolarization due to PMP-2, but not tPMP-1 [8].
  • Treatment with the oxidizing agents H2O2 and menadione produced an increase in gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase activity in LNCaP cells, whereas treatment with the antioxidant compound ascorbic acid (100 mM) reduced the oxidative stress produced in LNCaP cells by 1 nM R1881 and completely blocked the gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase activity [9].
  • The mechanism involves inactivation of PGH2 synthase by a reactive species resulting from metabolism of menadione by endothelial cells [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of menadione


Biological context of menadione


Anatomical context of menadione


Associations of menadione with other chemical compounds


Gene context of menadione

  • Targeted gene disruption of NTG1 produces a mutant that is sensitive to H2O2 and menadione, indicating that NTG1 is required for repair of oxidative DNA damage in vivo [27].
  • Mutants lacking Grx5 are partially deficient in growth in rich and minimal media and also highly sensitive to oxidative damage caused by menadione and hydrogen peroxide [28].
  • We have found that yeast cells simultaneously lacking Ntg1p, Ntg2p, and Apn1p are hyperrecombinogenic (hyper-rec) and exhibit a mutator phenotype but are not sensitive to the oxidizing agents H2O2 and menadione [29].
  • CYP2E1-overexpressing cells were resistant to menadione toxicity through an ERK1/2-dependent mechanism [30].
  • Inhibition of EGFR signaling reversed CYP2E1-induced resistance to menadione and sensitization to AA toxicity [30].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of menadione


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