Chemical Compound Review:
AC1L9JK9 [4-[(1R,2R,3R)-2- aminocarbonyl-3...
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- Characterization of an inversion on the long arm of chromosome 10 juxtaposing D10S170 and RET and creating the oncogenic sequence RET/PTC. Pierotti, M.A., Santoro, M., Jenkins, R.B., Sozzi, G., Bongarzone, I., Grieco, M., Monzini, N., Miozzo, M., Herrmann, M.A., Fusco, A. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1992)
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- Human homolog of patched, a candidate gene for the basal cell nevus syndrome. Johnson, R.L., Rothman, A.L., Xie, J., Goodrich, L.V., Bare, J.W., Bonifas, J.M., Quinn, A.G., Myers, R.M., Cox, D.R., Epstein, E.H., Scott, M.P. Science (1996)
- Cytogenetic and molecular genetic studies of follicular and papillary thyroid cancers. Herrmann, M.A., Hay, I.D., Bartelt, D.H., Ritland, S.R., Dahl, R.J., Grant, C.S., Jenkins, R.B. J. Clin. Invest. (1991)
- RET/PTC-induced dedifferentiation of thyroid cells is mediated through Y1062 signaling through SHC-RAS-MAP kinase. Knauf, J.A., Kuroda, H., Basu, S., Fagin, J.A. Oncogene (2003)
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- Breakpoint characterization of the ret/PTC oncogene in human papillary thyroid carcinoma. Smanik, P.A., Furminger, T.L., Mazzaferri, E.L., Jhiang, S.M. Hum. Mol. Genet. (1995)
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- Caveolin-1 and caveolin-2,together with three bone morphogenetic protein-related genes, may encode novel tumor suppressors down-regulated in sporadic follicular thyroid carcinogenesis. Aldred, M.A., Ginn-Pease, M.E., Morrison, C.D., Popkie, A.P., Gimm, O., Hoang-Vu, C., Krause, U., Dralle, H., Jhiang, S.M., Plass, C., Eng, C. Cancer Res. (2003)
- Nuclear envelope irregularity is induced by RET/PTC during interphase. Fischer, A.H., Taysavang, P., Jhiang, S.M. Am. J. Pathol. (2003)
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- Papillary thyroid carcinoma oncogene (RET/PTC) alters the nuclear envelope and chromatin structure. Fischer, A.H., Bond, J.A., Taysavang, P., Battles, O.E., Wynford-Thomas, D. Am. J. Pathol. (1998)
- Ras-mediated apoptosis of PC CL 3 rat thyroid cells induced by RET/PTC oncogenes. Castellone, M.D., Cirafici, A.M., De Vita, G., De Falco, V., Malorni, L., Tallini, G., Fagin, J.A., Fusco, A., Melillo, R.M., Santoro, M. Oncogene (2003)
- Autocrine stimulation by osteopontin plays a pivotal role in the expression of the mitogenic and invasive phenotype of RET/PTC-transformed thyroid cells. Castellone, M.D., Celetti, A., Guarino, V., Cirafici, A.M., Basolo, F., Giannini, R., Medico, E., Kruhoffer, M., Orntoft, T.F., Curcio, F., Fusco, A., Melillo, R.M., Santoro, M. Oncogene (2004)
- Spironolactone ameliorates renal injury and connective tissue growth factor expression in type II diabetic rats. Han, K.H., Kang, Y.S., Han, S.Y., Jee, Y.H., Lee, M.H., Han, J.Y., Kim, H.K., Kim, Y.S., Cha, D.R. Kidney Int. (2006)
- Asymmetric phase-transfer catalyzed glycolate alkylation, investigation of the scope, and application to the synthesis of (-)-ragaglitazar. Andrus, M.B., Hicken, E.J., Stephens, J.C., Bedke, D.K. J. Org. Chem. (2005)
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- Molecular classification of papillary thyroid carcinoma: distinct BRAF, RAS, and RET/PTC mutation-specific gene expression profiles discovered by DNA microarray analysis. Giordano, T.J., Kuick, R., Thomas, D.G., Misek, D.E., Vinco, M., Sanders, D., Zhu, Z., Ciampi, R., Roh, M., Shedden, K., Gauger, P., Doherty, G., Thompson, N.W., Hanash, S., Koenig, R.J., Nikiforov, Y.E. Oncogene (2005)
- Functional expression of the CXCR4 chemokine receptor is induced by RET/PTC oncogenes and is a common event in human papillary thyroid carcinomas. Castellone, M.D., Guarino, V., De Falco, V., Carlomagno, F., Basolo, F., Faviana, P., Kruhoffer, M., Orntoft, T., Russell, J.P., Rothstein, J.L., Fusco, A., Santoro, M., Melillo, R.M. Oncogene (2004)
- Regulation of signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 (STAT1) and STAT1-dependent genes by RET/PTC (rearranged in transformation/papillary thyroid carcinoma) oncogenic tyrosine kinases. Hwang, E.S., Kim, D.W., Hwang, J.H., Jung, H.S., Suh, J.M., Park, Y.J., Chung, H.K., Song, J.H., Park, K.C., Park, S.H., Yun, H.J., Kim, J.M., Shong, M. Mol. Endocrinol. (2004)
- Activation of signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 by oncogenic RET/PTC (rearranged in transformation/papillary thyroid carcinoma) tyrosine kinase: roles in specific gene regulation and cellular transformation. Hwang, J.H., Kim, D.W., Suh, J.M., Kim, H., Song, J.H., Hwang, E.S., Park, K.C., Chung, H.K., Kim, J.M., Lee, T.H., Yu, D.Y., Shong, M. Mol. Endocrinol. (2003)
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