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Chemical Compound Review

Rhodamine 123     [6-amino-9-(2- methoxycarbonylphenyl) xanthe...

Synonyms: Rhodamine-123, CHEBI:8828, LS-162564, RH 123, AKOS015917525, ...
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Disease relevance of Rhodamine 123


High impact information on Rhodamine 123

  • Rh123 and several other fluorescent dyes are substrates for transport mediated by P-glycoprotein (P-gp), an efflux pump responsible for multidrug resistance in tumor cells [6].
  • Rhodamine-123, a cationic laser dye, markedly reduced the clonal growth of carcinoma cells but had little effect on nontumorigenic epithelial cells in vitro [7].
  • Finally, we demonstrated that the Endo(Pos) Sca-1(Pos) Rh(Low) (Rhodamine-123 low) phenotype, without using CD34, c-Kit, or Lineage markers, defines a nearly homogenous population of LTR-HSCs [8].
  • Both Rh123 fractions proliferated in response to MGF alone as determined by a [3H]TdR assay or by counting nucleated cells present in the cultures over time [9].
  • Stimulation of both Rh123 fractions with MGF alone did not result in a net increase of day 14 CFU-S [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of Rhodamine 123


Biological context of Rhodamine 123


Anatomical context of Rhodamine 123


Associations of Rhodamine 123 with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Rhodamine 123

  • Flow cytometric analysis of MDR1 expression (D) and function (rhodamine-123 efflux) was obtained in 203 and 158 patients, respectively [29].
  • In a nonhematological model, the P-gp expressing HCT-8 adenocarcinoma cell line, exogenously added IL-2 was shown to exert an inhibitory effect on P-gp mediated Rhodamine-123 efflux [23].
  • In contrast to R123, a 60 min DNR or calcein-AM accumulation test could be used to detect MRP-mediated resistance [30].
  • MATERIALS AND METHODS: Extremely primitive Bcr-Abl fusion positive cells were purified from patients with CML using multiparameter flow cytometric analysis of CD34, Thy, and lineage marker (Lin) expression, plus rhodamine-123 (Rh-123) brightness [31].
  • Uptake studies in the presence and absence of rhodamine 123 (R123; 3.2 and 5.0 microM) were also performed in a Pgp overexpressing cell line, MCF-7/Adr [32].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Rhodamine 123

  • Rhodamine 123 (Rh123) staining and flow cytometry analysis showed a significantly decreased mean fluorescence in 51 C219+ and 38 JSB1+ patients compared to 42 MDR negative ones (P < .001) [33].
  • The techniques discussed include classic imaging techniques, such as rhodamine-123, the highly advanced semi-conductor nanoparticles (quantum dots), and wide field microscopy as well as high-resolution multiphoton imaging [34].
  • Immunofluorescence experiments suggest that T cells from old and young mice have equal amounts of the P-Gp molecule itself, suggesting that differences in R123 extrusion may depend on posttranslational regulation of P-Gp activity [35].
  • After direct microinjection of R123 into the vacuole in which the parasite grows and multiples, the dye appeared in the host-cell mitochondria but not in the parasite's mitochondria [36].
  • A low Rh123 accumulation and a high Rh123 efflux blocking by PSC833 were associated with a low complete remission (CR) rate after the first cycle of chemotherapy (P = 0.008 and P = 0.01, respectively) [37].


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