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Chemical Compound Review

Conjugated estrogens     sodium(8S,9S,13S,14S)-13- methyl-17-oxo-3...

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Disease relevance of Estrone hydrogen sulfate


Psychiatry related information on Estrone hydrogen sulfate


High impact information on Estrone hydrogen sulfate


Chemical compound and disease context of Estrone hydrogen sulfate


Biological context of Estrone hydrogen sulfate


Anatomical context of Estrone hydrogen sulfate


Associations of Estrone hydrogen sulfate with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Estrone hydrogen sulfate

  • Oral norethisterone plus conjugated estrogens increased free IGF-I and IGFBP-1 concentrations but did not change IGF-I concentrations [30].
  • In the women treated with oral conjugated estrogens, an increase in SHBG (p < 0.001), a decrease in IGF-1 (p < 0.001) and an increase in growth hormone (p < 0.05) serum levels were observed [31].
  • Two conjugated estrogens that are not Mrp2 substrates did not produce this effect [32].
  • In contrast, eight weeks of oral conjugated estrogens caused a more than twofold increase in CRP and a significant reduction in IGF-1 (p < 0.01) in the same women [33].
  • During incremental exercise, catecholamines, PRL, E2, unconjugated and conjugated estrogens, 4-OHE, and 4-MeOE always increased (the increases in 4-OHE during exercise were more pronounced before training, contrary to the 4-MeOE being most increased after training) [34].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Estrone hydrogen sulfate


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