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Gene Review

Spp1  -  secreted phosphoprotein 1

Mus musculus

Synonyms: 2AR, 2ar, 44kDa bone phosphoprotein, AA960535, AI790405, ...
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Disease relevance of Spp1


High impact information on Spp1


Chemical compound and disease context of Spp1


Biological context of Spp1


Anatomical context of Spp1


Associations of Spp1 with chemical compounds

  • Runx2 expression was unaffected in the coronal suture; in contrast, expression of the downstream ossification marker Spp1 was delayed [17].
  • These results indicate that this 24-bp sequence containing two 9-bp motifs binds to the vitamin D receptor and mediates the vitamin D3 enhancement of murine Spp-1 gene expression [18].
  • Here we report that OPN induced alpha(v)beta(3) integrin-mediated phosphorylation and activation of nuclear factor-inducing kinase (NIK) and enhanced the interaction between phosphorylated NIK and IKKalpha/beta in B16F10 cells [19].
  • Osteopontin (OPN) is a sialic acid-rich phosphoprotein secreted by a wide variety of cancers [20].
  • PTHrP stimulation repressed mRNA expression of BSP and OCN in CMs and blocked CM-mediated mineralization, in vitro [21].
  • Although both forms of OPN mediated robust integrin-mediated adhesion of mouse ras-transformed fibroblasts, the less phosphorylated FbOPN mediated binding of MDA-MD-435 human tumor cells almost 6-fold more than the heavy phosphorylated ObOPN [22].

Physical interactions of Spp1


Enzymatic interactions of Spp1


Co-localisations of Spp1

  • Strong osteopontin expression was found co-localizing with calcification in DCC-susceptible strain C3H/HeNCrlBr, which exhibited low osteopontin plasma concentrations otherwise [30].

Regulatory relationships of Spp1


Other interactions of Spp1

  • Moreover, these mice died significantly earlier (4.4 +/- 0.2 wk) than MGP(-/-) OPN(+/+) counterparts (6.6 +/- 1.0 wk) [16].
  • Here we show that a Runx2 site in the OPN promoter is required for activation of the promoter in mammary epithelial cells [31].
  • The level of active MMP-9 in the OPN-induced tumor was higher compared with control [19].
  • Osteopontin regulation by inorganic phosphate is ERK1/2-, protein kinase C-, and proteasome-dependent [33].
  • Osteopontin gene regulation by oscillatory fluid flow via intracellular calcium mobilization and activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase in MC3T3-E1 osteoblasts [34].
  • OPN is a critical intrinsic regulator of cartilage degradation via its effects on MMP-13 expression and proteoglycan loss [35].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Spp1

  • Although the tensile properties of the wounds were unchanged, ultrastructural analysis showed a significantly decreased level of debridement, greater disorganization of matrix, and an alteration of collagen fibrillogenesis leading to small diameter collagen fibrils in the OPN mutant mice [15].
  • Downregulated expression of OPN during tumour development was confirmed by RT-PCR and RNA blot analysis [32].
  • Consistent with its postulated role in biomineralization, BSP as measured by Western blotting was only present in mineralizing subclones [36].
  • Expression levels of osteoblast maturation genes, type I collagen, osteopontin, bone sialoprotein, and osteocalcin in response to TSA were measured by quantitative PCR [37].
  • Northern hybridization analysis revealed more mRNA for collagen type I (2-fold) and 50% more for OC at 14 days and 21 days, whereas OPN and Cbfa1 mRNA expression remained unaffected by the medium perfusion [38].


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