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Gene Review

PRICKLE1  -  prickle homolog 1 (Drosophila)

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: EPM1B, FLJ31937, Prickle-like protein 1, REST/NRSF-interacting LIM domain protein 1, RILP
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Disease relevance of PRICKLE1


High impact information on PRICKLE1

  • Clinicopathologic analysis showed that underexpression of Prickle-1 was significantly associated with overexpression of Dvl3, beta-catenin accumulation (P = .023), and larger tumor size (P = .030) [1].
  • Facial cell soma migration defects were associated with the coordinate downregulation of multiple components of the planar cell polarity pathway including Fzd7, Wnt11, Prickle1, Vang1 and Vang2 [6].
  • A recent study shows that, in ascidians, the planar cell polarity gene prickle regulates sequential establishment of cell polarity during two phases of notochord morphogenesis [7].
  • E-cadherin was found throughout the epithelium but was weakly expressed at the basal aspect of the basal cells layer and showed strong positivity in the prickle cell and squamous cell layers [8].
  • By using an antibody raised in rabbits against the N-terminal portion of the molecule, the polypeptide may be demonstrated in cells of the prickle cell layer of normal skin and in the cells of hair follicles [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of PRICKLE1


Biological context of PRICKLE1


Anatomical context of PRICKLE1


Associations of PRICKLE1 with chemical compounds


Regulatory relationships of PRICKLE1


Other interactions of PRICKLE1

  • Enforced expression of Prickle-1 significantly reduced the Wnt/beta-catenin activity and tumorigenic properties of HCC cells [1].
  • RUNX3 expression was shown in prickle and functional cell layer cells in normal esophageal mucosa [23].
  • METHODS AND RESULTS: In the normal esophageal mucosa, CD55 predominantly stained on the cell membrane of squamous epithelium in the superficial and prickle cell layers, whereas CD46 most intensely stained on the cell membrane in the basal and parabasal cell layers [24].
  • RESULTS: In the cholesteatoma epithelium specimens, cdk2 and cdk4 were observed to be expressed in the basal and parabasal layers and in the upper layer (prickle layer and granular layer) [25].
  • In normal epidermis, the largest proportion of PCNA- and Ki-67-positive cells was observed in the basal cell layer, with the amounts decreasing through the suprabasal cell layer towards the prickle cell layer [26].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of PRICKLE1


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