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Gene Review

Ptpn6  -  protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor...

Mus musculus

Synonyms: 70Z-SHP, Hcp, Hcph, Hematopoietic cell protein-tyrosine phosphatase, PTP-1C, ...
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Disease relevance of Ptpn6


High impact information on Ptpn6


Chemical compound and disease context of Ptpn6


Biological context of Ptpn6


Anatomical context of Ptpn6

  • The motheaten mutation rescues B cell signaling and development in CD45-deficient mice [11].
  • Surprisingly, however, the presence or absence of SHP1 had no effect on the proliferative response of bone marrow-derived cultured mast cells to KL or IL3 ex vivo [14].
  • These mice are essentially SHPTP1 null and display multiple hematopoietic abnormalities, most prominently hyperproliferation and inappropriate activation of granulocytes and macrophages [12].
  • Furthermore, transduction of primary hematopoietic progenitor cells from viable motheaten mice with these mutant Gab2 molecules also significantly ameliorated their enhanced migration capacity associated with the SHP1 gene mutation [15].
  • SHP-1 is an SH2-containing cytoplasmic tyrosine phosphatase that is widely distributed in cells of the hematopoietic system [13].

Associations of Ptpn6 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of Ptpn6


Enzymatic interactions of Ptpn6

  • P130 and SHPTP1 are further tyrosyl phosphorylated upon CSF-1 stimulation [12].
  • The Ets2 transcription factor is constitutively phosphorylated on residue Thr(72) in macrophages derived from mice homozygous for the motheaten viable (me-v) allele of the hemopoietic cell phosphatase (Hcph) gene [22].
  • The biochemical basis of this complex trait involves a pathway requiring Lyn to phosphorylate CD22 and recruit SHP-1 to the CD22/BCR complex [23].

Regulatory relationships of Ptpn6

  • Using primary bone marrow-derived macrophages from me/me mice and normal littermates, we examined the role of SHPTP1 in regulating signaling by the major macrophage mitogen colony-stimulating factor 1 (CSF-1) (also known as macrophage colony-stimulating factor) [12].
  • Fas-induced DNA degradation detected by the terminal deoxynucleotide transferase reaction was also observed in the killing of motheaten thymocytes by a Fas-based CTL as well as by anti-Fas mAb [24].
  • Finally, introduction of purified Leishmania EF-1alpha, but not the corresponding host protein into macrophages activated SHP-1 and blocked the induction of inducible nitric-oxide synthase expression in response to interferon-gamma [25].
  • We prepared Et-3,4-dephostatin as a stable analogue and found it to inhibit PTP-1B and SHPTP-1 protein-tyrosine phosphatases selectively but not to inhibit CD45 and leukocyte common antigen-related phosphatase ones effectively [26].
  • The activity of src-homology 2 domain-containing PTP (SHP-1) was significantly upregulated 1 min after AT2 stimulation [27].

Other interactions of Ptpn6

  • These proteins are hyperphosphorylated on tyrosyl residues in me/me macrophages, suggesting that Grb2 may recruit substrates for SHPTP1 [12].
  • Regulation of colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor signaling by the SH2 domain-containing tyrosine phosphatase SHPTP1 [12].
  • Activated Ets2 is required for persistent inflammatory responses in the motheaten viable model [22].
  • Role of the protein tyrosine phosphatase SHP-1 (Src homology phosphatase-1) in the regulation of interleukin-3-induced survival, proliferation and signalling [28].
  • Interestingly, several markedly hyperphosphorylated proteins were detected in the motheaten macrophages, including a novel 126-kDa phosphotyrosine protein that associated with the phosphatase via its SH2 domains, suggesting that these proteins depend on HCP for dephosphorylation and may mediate the heightened growth responses to GM-CSF [3].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Ptpn6


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