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Gene Review

Kdr  -  kinase insert domain protein receptor

Mus musculus

Synonyms: 6130401C07, FLK-1, Fetal liver kinase 1, Flk-1, Flk1, ...
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Disease relevance of Kdr

  • Systemic administration of antibodies against the transmembrane receptor Flk-1 but not Flt-1 protected against sepsis mortality [1].
  • When similar combination was applied to the H460 lung cancer xenograft model in nude mice, loss of radiation-induced phosphorylated Flk-1 was observed in the combination treatment group, which also showed a large decrease in tumor vascular density by staining of the von Willebrand factor [2].
  • Overexpression of VEGF 121 in immortalized endothelial cells causes conversion to slowly growing angiosarcoma and high level expression of the VEGF receptors VEGFR-1 and VEGFR-2 in vivo [3].
  • Circulating leukocytes and thrombocytes were increased in irradiated SCID (H2K(d)) mice transplanted with ES cell-derived Flk1+ cells compared with vehicle-injected control mice [4].
  • Increased expression of KDR/Flk-1 (VEGFR-2) in murine model of ischemia-induced retinal neovascularization [5].
  • We also examined whether ischaemic preconditioning (PC), a novel method to induce cardioprotection against ischaemia reperfusion injury, through stimulating the VEGF signalling pathway might function in Flk-1(+/-) mice [6].

High impact information on Kdr


Chemical compound and disease context of Kdr


Biological context of Kdr


Anatomical context of Kdr


Associations of Kdr with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of Kdr


Regulatory relationships of Kdr


Other interactions of Kdr


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Kdr

  • This response may be the consequence of an increased number of VEGFR-2 positive cells at an early stage of EB development, a finding corroborated by both immunostaining and real-time RT-PCR [27].
  • Microarray analysis of VEGFR-2/CD31 positive cells after 6 days of differentiation revealed numerous changes of expression of genes relating to an endothelial/hematopoietic phenotype in response to Shb overexpression [27].
  • Administration of either anti-VEGFR-1 or anti-VEGFR-2 alone failed to inhibit allograft rejection [31].
  • CONCLUSION: The Flk1+ hematopoietic cells derived from ES cells reconstitute hematopoiesis in vivo and may become an alternative donor source for bone marrow transplantation [4].
  • Northern blot analysis demonstrated that the mRNA levels of KDR/Flk-1 were greater in the neovascular retina of hypoxic animals than in control animals [5].


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