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Gene Review

Mc1r  -  melanocortin 1 receptor

Mus musculus

Synonyms: MC1-R, MSH-R, Melanocortin receptor 1, Melanocyte-stimulating hormone receptor, Msh-r, ...
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Disease relevance of Mc1r


High impact information on Mc1r

  • In the mouse, extension is epistatic to agouti, hence dominant mutants of the MC1R encoding constitutively active receptors are not inhibited by the agouti antagonist, and animals with dominant alleles of both loci remain darkly pigmented [6].
  • A constitutively activating C125R mutation in the MC1R was found specifically in darkly pigmented animals carrying the Alaska Silver allele (EA) [6].
  • These observations provide new insight into the regulation of energy metabolism and indicate a molecular basis for crosstalk between melanocortin-receptor signalling and immune function [7].
  • Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling controls hair pigmentation by means of cross-talk with the melanocortin receptor-1 pathway [8].
  • Via quantitative trait locus mapping followed by a candidate gene strategy using both mutant mice and pharmacological tools, we now demonstrate that the melanocortin-1 receptor (Mc1r) gene mediates kappa-opioid analgesia in female mice only [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of Mc1r


Biological context of Mc1r


Anatomical context of Mc1r


Associations of Mc1r with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of Mc1r


Regulatory relationships of Mc1r


Other interactions of Mc1r

  • Here we have addressed this aspect using a dual pharmacological and genetic approach, taking advantage of the recent characterization of more selective agonists/antagonists at MC1 and MC3-R as well as of the existence of a naturally defective MC1-R mouse strain, the recessive yellow (e/e) mouse [30].
  • These results support the hypothesis that murine hair growth and attendant melanogenesis can be regulated through coordinated changes in local expression of POMC, MC1-R, and tyrosinase genes [23].
  • Novel agouti-related-protein-based melanocortin-1 receptor antagonist [31].
  • These results suggest that the expression of the MC1-R gene, but not of the POMC gene, plays an important role in the regulation of melanocyte differentiation in mouse skin [20].
  • An MSH binding site characterized in these cells is presumably the MC5 receptor, based on the observation that this is the only other melanocortin receptor mRNA detected in these cells [32].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Mc1r

  • An allelism test indicated the tawny mutant gene to be a new allele at the Mc1r locus and dominant to the recessive yellow (Mc1re) [33].
  • Molecular cloning, expression, and characterization of a fifth melanocortin receptor [34].
  • MC1Re/e mice receiving MC1R+ bone marrow showed a similar course of inflammation to non-transplanted MC1Re/e. Likewise, transplantation of MC1R bone marrow into C57BL/6WT mice did not lead to any worsening of disease [3].
  • Semiquantitative RT-PCR demonstrated that monocytes and DC express MC-1R, but none of the other members of the MC-receptor family [35].
  • To better understand how Mc1r signaling affects different cutaneous phenotypes, we examined large-scale patterns of gene expression in different skin components (whole epidermal sheets, basal epidermal cells and whole skins) of neonatal (P2.5) normal and recessive yellow mice, starting with a 26K mouse cDNA microarray [36].


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