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Gene Review

FABP6  -  fatty acid binding protein 6, ileal

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: Fatty acid-binding protein 6, GT, Gastrotropin, I-15P, I-BABP, ...
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Disease relevance of FABP6


High impact information on FABP6


Biological context of FABP6


Anatomical context of FABP6

  • A deficiency of the apical sodium bile acid transporter (ASBT) and ileal lipid binding protein (ILBP) in the small intestine may result in bile acid loss into the colon and might promote gallstone formation by reducing the bile acid pool and increasing the amount of hydrophobic bile salts [2].
  • To test this hypothesis, protein levels and mRNA expression of ASBT and ILBP were assessed in ileal mucosa biopsies of female gallstone carriers and controls [2].
  • PURPOSE: Fatty acid binding protein 6 (FABP6) is a cancer-related protein that acts as an intracellular transporter of bile acid in the ileal epithelium [4].
  • EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: The expression of FABP6 mRNA was evaluated in 78 paired samples of cancer/normal tissue representing colorectal cancer cases, plus 16 adenomas, and 16 metastatic lymph nodes [4].
  • To define the functional characteristics of all eight human FABPs, viz. heart (H), brain (B), myelin (M), adipocyte (A), epidermal (E), intestinal (I), liver (L) and ileal lipid-binding protein (I-LBP), we studied their ligand specificity, their conformational stability and their immunological crossreactivity [9].

Associations of FABP6 with chemical compounds


Other interactions of FABP6


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of FABP6


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  2. Apical sodium bile acid transporter and ileal lipid binding protein in gallstone carriers. Bergheim, I., Harsch, S., Mueller, O., Schimmel, S., Fritz, P., Stange, E.F. J. Lipid Res. (2006) [Pubmed]
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