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Gene Review

Capn1  -  calpain 1

Mus musculus

Synonyms: CANP 1, Calcium-activated neutral proteinase 1, Calpain mu-type, Calpain-1 catalytic subunit, Calpain-1 large subunit, ...
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Disease relevance of Capn1

  • Here, we identify two calpain cleavage sites in Htt and show that mutation of these sites renders the polyQ expanded Htt less susceptible to proteolysis and aggregation, resulting in decreased toxicity in an in vitro cell culture model [1].
  • Calpain activation and secretion promote glomerular injury in experimental glomerulonephritis: evidence from calpastatin-transgenic mice [2].
  • Wild-type mice that were subjected to anti-glomerular basement membrane nephritis exhibited elevated levels of calpain activity in kidney cortex at the heterologous phase of the disease [2].
  • There also was a reduction in nephrin disappearance from the surface of podocytes, indicating that calpain activity would enhance proteinuria by affecting nephrin expression [2].
  • Taken together, these results strongly suggest that epigenetic activation of calpain plays an important role in the invasion of human prostate cancer and that it can be targeted to reduce tumor progression [3].

Psychiatry related information on Capn1


High impact information on Capn1


Chemical compound and disease context of Capn1


Biological context of Capn1


Anatomical context of Capn1


Associations of Capn1 with chemical compounds

  • This PIP(2)-binding capacity resided in domain III of calpain, which presents a putative C2-like domain [15].
  • Enzymatic inhibition of calpain by calpeptin precluded AIF release, demonstrating that proteolytic activity was required for release [20].
  • Calpain Is Required for the Rapid, Calcium-dependent Repair of Wounded Plasma Membrane [21].
  • Capn4(-/-) MEFs displayed resistance to puromycin, camptothecin, etoposide, hydrogen peroxide, ultraviolet light, and serum starvation, which was consistent with pro-apoptotic roles for calpain [22].
  • Calpain, a calcium-activated cysteine protease, has been shown to participate in the development of the inflammatory process [2].

Physical interactions of Capn1


Enzymatic interactions of Capn1

  • Both precursor and mature forms of recombinant AIF were cleaved near the amino terminus by calpain I in vitro [20].
  • The structural requirements of PKC were then examined using a calpain-cleaved active fragment of nPKC delta [26].
  • Most interestingly, n-3 PFA deficiency dramatically increased levels of protein fragments, corresponding to caspase/calpain-cleaved fodrin and gelsolin in Tg2576 mice [27].

Regulatory relationships of Capn1

  • Because elevated intracellular calcium is one of the most ubiquitous features of neuronal cell death, this study tested the hypothesis that cleavage of AIF by the calcium-activated protease calpain mediates its release from mitochondria [20].
  • With differential ligand-induced internalization and trafficking-restricted receptor variants, we find that calpain activity is triggered only by plasma membrane-restricted activated EGFR, not by internalized (although still active) EGFR [28].
  • The association of calpain with the plasma membrane was verified by immunoblots of isolated sarcolemmal membrane from adult mdx and control muscle which showed calpain present predominantly in the cytosol along with some membrane association [29].
  • Calpain inhibitors suppressed NF-kappaB activation via inhibition of the cleavage of inhibitor of NF-kappaB(IkappaBalpha)in RAW 264.7 cells [30].
  • In addition, we showed that activation of cellular calpains by Ca2+ ionophore treatment reduces utrophin protein levels in muscle cells and that calpain inhibition prevents this Ca2+ -induced reduction in utrophin levels [31].

Other interactions of Capn1

  • Taken together, these results define a novel mechanism of AIF release involving calpain processing and identify a potential molecular checkpoint for cytoprotective interventions [20].
  • Epidermal growth factor receptor activation of calpain is required for fibroblast motility and occurs via an ERK/MAP kinase signaling pathway [32].
  • In contrast, capn4(-/-) MEFs were more susceptible to staurosporine (STS) and tumor necrosis factor alpha-induced cell death, which provided evidence for anti-apoptotic signaling roles for calpain [22].
  • Interestingly, calpain-1, -5, -7, and -10 localize to the cytoplasm and the nucleus, whereas the activated forms of calpain-7 and -10 are found only in the nucleus [1].
  • Recent studies have implicated both extracellular signal-regulated kinase/mitogen-activated protein (ERK/MAP) kinase and calpain (EC in these processes, but it is uncertain whether these are two distinct pathways acting on different modes of motility [32].
  • Together, our results demonstrate that PTP1B is a physiological target of calpain-1 and suggest that a similar mechanism may regulate calpain-1-mediated tyrosine dephosphorylation in other cells [33].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Capn1


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