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Disease relevance of Tremor


Psychiatry related information on Tremor


High impact information on Tremor


Chemical compound and disease context of Tremor

  • Retrospectively, helpful early pointers to the diagnosis in these cases included unexplained falls, autonomic dysfunction, absence of rest tremor and failure to respond to L-dopa, but these were not always present [15].
  • Microinjections of 5-10 microl of muscimol in a region with tremor-related activity resulted in suppression of limb tremor in two out of two patients [16].
  • Four patients with disabling action tremor in the setting of MS were treated with isoniazid (800 to 1200 mg per day) [17].
  • METHODS: Using [123I]-N-(3-iodopropen-2-yl)-2 -carbomethoxy-3beta-(4-chlorophenyl) tropane SPECT, we measured the basal ganglia-occipital cortex/occipital cortex ([BG-OCC]/OCC) uptake ratios in 21 control subjects and patients with isolated postural tremor (n = 9), postural and rest tremor (n = 6), and PD (n = 11) [18].
  • Additionally, ChAT activity in caudate and norepinephrine concentration in putamen were significantly reduced in the LBV group, which may have contributed to the absence of resting tremor and the milder presentation of parkinsonian features in this group compared with classic PD [19].

Biological context of Tremor


Anatomical context of Tremor


Gene context of Tremor

  • Since male premutation carriers are relatively common in the general population, older men with ataxia and intention tremor should be screened for the FMR1 mutation, especially if these signs are accompanied by parkinsonism, autonomic dysfunction, or cognitive decline, regardless of family history [29].
  • The MBP/c-myc transgenic mice developed severe neurological disturbances characterized by action tremors and recurrent seizures, and premature death during postnatal weeks three to five [30].
  • There is evidence that male subjects with a clinical picture of action tremor, Parkinsonism, and cerebellar ataxia may have Fragile X premutations (FRAXA) [31].
  • Mutants from the pcd/pcd strain also reacted with continuous tremor, but of lower amplitude and frequency [32].
  • Initial analyses of Cx32/Cx47-double-deficient mice showed that these mice developed an action tremor and died on average at 51 d after birth [33].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Tremor


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