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Chemical Compound Review

Cobalt-60     cobalt

Synonyms: Co-60, AC1L1VCE, 60Co, 10198-40-0, UNII-5C8182XDPZ, ...
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Disease relevance of cobalt


High impact information on cobalt

  • The survival of thyroid allografts in mice was prolonged by either holding the grafts in vitro culture for 20 to 27 days or by cobalt-60 irradiation of the donor 2 days before transplantation with or without the intravenous injection of colloidal carbon just before removing the thyroid from the donor [6].
  • Letter: Cobalt, cardiomyopathy, and dialysis [7].
  • Similar analysis of a separate series of cell strains, derived from foci induced by cobalt-60, revealed four patterns of loss of heterozygosity, only two of which had been found with those induced by MNU [8].
  • BAEC in serum-free media were irradiated with a cobalt-60 Gammacell 220 and the cell supernatants were assayed for chemotactic activity for human neutrophils in a Boyden chamber [9].
  • To investigate this discrepancy, nitrogen-saturated aqueous solutions containing 15 mM DMPO were cobalt-60 gamma irradiated (dose rate = 223 Gy/min) for periods of 0.25-6 min, and ESR absorption spectra were observed approximately 30 s after irradiation [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of cobalt


Biological context of cobalt


Anatomical context of cobalt


Associations of cobalt with other chemical compounds


Gene context of cobalt


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of cobalt

  • All patients underwent clinical and audiologic evaluations varying from 6 to 48 months (mean, 20 months) after stereotactic radiosurgery performed with use of the 201 source cobalt 60 gamma unit [36].
  • A total of 72 animals were randomly assigned to four treatment groups (18/group) as follows: (1) 10 G; (2) sham exposed (null energized field) (approximately 20 mG); (3) ambient controls (<1 mG); and (4) positive controls (5 Gy whole body irradiation from Cobalt-60, 4 days before initiation of exposure) [37].
  • This machine contains a high intensity cobalt 60 remote afterloading cycling source used for intracavitary brachytherapy [38].
  • PATIENTS AND METHODS: Three female patients who had developed urge-incontinence after a Wertheim operation and combined brachy-teletherapy with cobalt-60 and afterloading and did not respond to various drug therapies, were treated with HBO to a maximum of 40 applications [39].
  • Even in patients who received doses of radiation up to 66 Cobalt Gy equivalent through nondiseased (temporal lobe) brain tissue, memory and cognitive functioning remained stable for up to 5 years after treatment [40].


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