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Disease relevance of Hyperhidrosis


Psychiatry related information on Hyperhidrosis


High impact information on Hyperhidrosis

  • The patients had rates of sweat production greater than 50 mg per minute and had had primary axillary hyperhidrosis that was unresponsive to topical therapy with aluminum chloride for more than one year [8].
  • Clonidine and hyperhidrosis [9].
  • Concentration of plasma noradrenaline was also lower on the painful side in patients with widespread allodynia, and in those with hyperhidrosis in the affected hand or foot [10].
  • METHODS: In a prospective, single blind, randomized trial, 24 patients with severe palmar hyperhidrosis received either a low (50 U) or a high dose (100 U) of botulinum toxin type A (Botox, Allergan) injected intradermally in 20 sites in each palm [11].
  • Increased serum CGRP was correlated to the incidence of nerve lesions (p < 0.02) and hyperhidrosis (p < 0.04) [12].

Chemical compound and disease context of Hyperhidrosis

  • In the patient with hyperhidrosis, a prominent melatonin rhythm was observed preoperatively in the CSF and plasma [13].
  • CONCLUSION: Botulinum toxin is effective in reducing hyperhidrosis disability and limitations in everyday activities when given in association with paroxetine to subjects with SAD [6].
  • However, sympathetic failure, as indicated by impairment of sympathetic vasoconstrictor reflexes (P<0.02) and hyperhidrosis (P<0.01), was found exclusively in CRPS patients [14].
  • Thirteen healthy volunteers, three patients with chronic fungal disease and one patient with palmar-plantar hyperhidrosis were given 400 mg of ketoconazole daily for various lengths of time [15].
  • Mexiletine on segmental hyperhidrosis [16].

Biological context of Hyperhidrosis


Anatomical context of Hyperhidrosis


Gene context of Hyperhidrosis

  • The VIP concentration was unchanged in skin affected by axillary hyperhidrosis [25].
  • The neuropeptides vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), substance P and somatostatin were studied in skin biopsies from patients with eczema, psoriasis and axillary hyperhidrosis [25].
  • METHODS: A total of 176 procedures (91 patients) were carried out in the ETS 2-4 group and 103 procedures (53 patients) in the ESB 4 group: 60.4 and 43.4% had palmar hyperhidrosis, 8.8 and 5.7% had isolated axillary, and 30.8 and 50.9% had combined manifestations, respectively [26].
  • SUBJECTS: 630 consecutive operations in 352 patients (median age 30.1 yrs) for primary palmar (68%), axillary (12.7%) and combined hyperhidrosis (19.3%) [27].
  • PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to examine the immediate and mid-term results of thoracoscopic upper dorsal (T2-T3) sympathectomy for primary palmar hyperhidrosis [28].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Hyperhidrosis


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