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Chemical Compound Review

Betadine     1-ethenylpyrrolidin-2-one; molecular iodine

Synonyms: Povadyne, Bridine, Disphex, Isodine, PVP-Iodine, ...
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Disease relevance of Povidone


Psychiatry related information on Povidone

  • In nasal carriers of S. aureus, PVP-I resulted in 100% risk reduction of bacteraemia and exit site infection (P < 0.05) and 70% risk reduction of catheter tip infections (P < 0.05) [6].
  • Percentages of fluorescent cells positive for HCMV immediate early and early antigens in cultures inoculated with AD 169 treated with PVP-I at various concentrations and reaction times were compared with the number of fluorescent cells in the controls inoculated with the virus alone [7].

High impact information on Povidone

  • In this study, we investigated the serum iodine compounds from a severely burned patient with normal initial thyroid function tests who was swabbed with Betadine ointment and received daily therapeutic baths in Betadine [8].
  • Markedly elevated serum PBI levels occur after therapy with povidone-iodine (Betadine), an iodine-polyvinylpyrrolidone iodophor [8].
  • BACKGROUND: Povidone-iodine (PI) (Betadine, Purdue Fredrick Co., Norwalk, CT) is used during pancreas transplantation to provide duodenal decontamination without any intestinal complications [9].
  • The essentials were the use of intravenous peri- and postoperative antimicrobials, rigid adherence to classical aseptic technique, liberal use of topical antiseptic (Betadine), and avoidance of haematomas [10].
  • Effects of community composition and growth rate on aquifer biofilm bacteria and their susceptibility to betadine disinfection [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of Povidone


Biological context of Povidone

  • CONCLUSIONS: In a large proportion of patients, isolation of viable organisms from excised skin specimens after disinfection with 10% PVP-I suggests that contamination of the epidural space by the skin flora may be a potential mechanism of epidural infection associated with epidural block [3].
  • When the micromethod was carried out at 20 degrees C, 10.7% (54/504) of the strains were resistant to the PVP-I skin disinfectant (dilution 1:10) and 1.6% (8/504) were resistant to the handwashing formulations (dilution 1:3) after 1 min exposure [17].
  • PVP-I is a safe antiseptic and does not appear to impede wound healing or induce resistant bacteria [18].
  • In the present study, we have evaluated thyroid function in neonates at delivery and in their mothers who used vaginal povidone-iodine (PVP-I) during the last trimester of pregnancy [19].
  • The favorable virucidal efficiency together with the preferred apoptotic route of cell death makes the liposomal PVP-I formulation a promising candidate for topical use in prevention and treatment of infections of the eye and the upper respiratory tract [20].

Anatomical context of Povidone

  • This is a preliminary study evaluating diluted solutions of povidone-iodine (PVP-I) as urinary bladder irrigants for the treatment and prevention of urinary tract infection [21].
  • Comparative therapeutic and toxic effects of different povidone iodine (PVP-I) formulations in a model of oral candidosis based on in vitro reconstituted epithelium [22].
  • Our results suggest that suppressor cell development resulting from Betadine treatment is reversible [23].
  • In a prospective randomized study, the influence was assessed of vaginal disinfection with a 1% solution of povidon iodine (Betadine), before performing a transvaginal ultrasound-guided oocyte retrieval, on fertilization, cleavage rate and pregnancy rate [24].
  • Cytotoxicity of PVP-I for corneal fibroblasts in culture was assessed using the MTT assay [25].

Associations of Povidone with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Povidone

  • Povidone-iodine (Betadine) solution was maximally effective at the 1:100 dilution, killing all the MRSA within 15 s; other dilutions were less effective, though each killed the MRSA within 120 s [30].
  • Four methods of catheter fixation were used: (a) povidone-iodine ointment (Betadine) with a sterile gauze and adhesive dressing (Elastoplast); (b) Op-Site film; (c) Op-Site spray followed by Op-Site film; and (d) Beta-dine and Op-Site film [31].
  • PVP-I exhibited a superior killing effect whether measured by rate of kill or final LRF achieved [32].
  • Between May 1983 and December 1989, 2,921 donor eyes received by the Minnesota Lions Eye Bank underwent a decontamination protocol using 10% Betadine (1% povidone-iodine) solution [33].
  • Although no commercial product for repeated application on the eye is currently available, PVP-I has been used in ophthalmology not only for pre- and postoperative antisepsis, but also for the treatment of bacterial and viral conjunctivitis and for prophylaxis against ophthalmia neonatorum [34].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Povidone

  • There was significant improvement in all treatment groups except those treated with antiseptic lavage using PVP-I and noxythiolin [35].
  • There was a suggestion of a slight decrease in the incidence of urinary tract infections during the use of PVP-I in the intermittent catheterization group in this uncontrolled study, but the percentage of positive urine cultures was greater than desired [21].
  • INTERVENTIONS: Five pigs, under general anesthesia, were prepared with tap-water enemas, a peranal antibiotic lavage, and a Betadine rinse [36].
  • All of the tissue involved was irrigated with betadine and peroxide, after debridement of the necrotic tissue [37].
  • One hundred thirty ears were prospectively randomized into prepared (Betadine and alcohol) and nonprepared (control) groups [38].


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