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Chemical Compound Review

Cyclopentyl     cyclopentane

Synonyms: cyclopentanyl, AC1L3C04, 3889-74-5, 16191-EP2281563A1, 16191-EP2316459A1, ...
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Disease relevance of cyclopentane


High impact information on cyclopentane


Chemical compound and disease context of cyclopentane


Biological context of cyclopentane


Anatomical context of cyclopentane

  • RP 73401 is metabolized by human liver microsomes almost exclusively by transhydroxylation of the cyclopentyl group to RPR 113406 [19].
  • Modulation of human leukocyte histamine release by sn-1,2-isopropylidene-3-decanoyl-glycerol and decanoic acid cyclopentyl methylester in comparison with effects of synthetic diacylglycerols and a phorbol ester [20].
  • In anesthetized rats, DOPA cyclohexyl ester (DOPA CHE), DOPA cyclopentyl ester (DOPA CPE) and DOPA cyclopentyldimethyl ester (DOPA CPDME) at 1 microgram microinjected into depressor sites of the nucleus tractus solitarii elicited or tended to elicit more marked antagonism against depressor responses to 60 ng L-DOPA, compared to DOPA ME [21].

Associations of cyclopentane with other chemical compounds


Gene context of cyclopentane

  • Reactivation and aging of cyclopentyl methylphosphonylated acetylcholinesterase in the presence of some 1-alkyl-2-hydroxyiminomethyl-pyridinium salts [26].
  • In pathway I, the six-membered transition structure (TS-I) connects the less stable cyclopentyl cation 1A and the 1,2-dimethylcyclohexyl carbocation (2) via a barrier of 16.4 kcal/mol [27].
  • DSC studies reveal the presence of a weak endotherm at -13 degrees C. The structures of the two phases are very similar, differing only in the relative orientations of the cyclopentyl rings of the organic cations and slight displacements of the anionic tetrahedra [28].
  • Similarly, cis-4-hexadecenoic acid and C16 and C18 cyclopentyl fatty acids were identified for the first time in H. anthelmintica [29].
  • The incorporation of the 1-aryl-5-(4-nitrophenyl)-3-oxo-1,4-pentadienyl group into 3,4-dihydro-1H-naphthalenyl, cyclohexyl, 2,3-dihydro-1H-indenyl and cyclopentyl scaffolds led to the discovery of various compounds with selective toxicity for malignant cells and ability to reverse multidrug resistance [30].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of cyclopentane

  • Antibacterial activity in serum and urine following oral administration in man of DL473 (a cyclopentyl derivative of rifampicin) [proceedings] [31].
  • Cyclopentyl and (+/-)-exo-2-norbornylcarbamates of cellulose and amylose were prepared and their chiral recognition abilities as chiral stationary phases for high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) were evaluated [32].


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