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Chemical Compound Review

MOLI001161     decanoic acid

Synonyms: AC1L9P29
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Disease relevance of MOLI001161

  • Here we use molecular dynamics to test the flexibility of Escherichia coli RRF (ecRRF) with and without decanoic acid bound to a hydrophobic pocket between domains 1 and 2, and Thermus thermophilus RRF (ttRRF) with and without a mutation in the hinge between domains 1 and 2 [1].
  • Of 11 fatty acids and monoglycerides tested against Campylobacter jejuni, the 1-monoglyceride of capric acid (monocaprin) was the most active in killing the bacterium [2].
  • In this study, the medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA), caproic, caprylic, and capric acid, were evaluated for the control of Salmonella serovar Enteritidis in chickens [3].
  • All Moraxella species were distinguished by small amounts of decanoic acid (10:0) and the absence of i-17:0 [4].
  • Lactobacillus leichmanii growing in complex medium supplemented with decanoic acid accumulated high concentrations of hydrogen peroxide in the culture [5].

Psychiatry related information on MOLI001161


High impact information on MOLI001161


Chemical compound and disease context of MOLI001161


Biological context of MOLI001161


Anatomical context of MOLI001161


Associations of MOLI001161 with other chemical compounds


Gene context of MOLI001161

  • The S. enterica fadR strains grow more rapidly than the wild-type strains on decanoic acid and also grow well on octanoic and hexanoic acids (which do not support growth of wild-type strains) [11].
  • CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that not only OA but also CA stimulates IL-8 production in intestinal epithelial cells, and the mechanisms of action differ between OA and CA [27].
  • The results indicate that the presence of ACP 2 is essential for the synthesis of decanoic acid in C. lanceolata seeds, and its expression in the phase of accumulation of high levels of this fatty acid provides an additional and highly efficient cofactor for stimulating the FAS reaction [28].
  • Molecular Cloning of CYP76B9, a Cytochrome P450 from Petunia hybrida, Catalyzing the omega-Hydroxylation of Capric Acid and Lauric Acid [29].
  • RESULTS: The data of the particle size and size distribution of aqueous decanoic acid stabilized Fe3O4 magnetic fluids were acquired, and the influences of concentrations of butylcyanoacrylate (BCA) and Dextran-70 on the particle size and size distribution of PBCA magnetic nanoparticles were characterized [30].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of MOLI001161


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