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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)
Chemical Compound Review

Isosalipurpol     (E)-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-1- (2,4,6...

Synonyms: AC1NQXT1, CHEMBL338066, SureCN443275, CHEBI:15413, MEGxp0_001759, ...
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Disease relevance of phloretin

  • Here we demonstrate that phloretin and exifone, dipolar compounds that decrease the effective negative charge of membranes, prevent association of Abeta1-40 and Abeta25-35 to negatively charged lipid vesicles and Abeta induced cell toxicity [1].
  • The effects of phloretin, H2DIDS (4,4'-diisothiocyano-1,2-diphenylethane-2,2'-disulfonate) and SO4-2 on anion transport in Ehrlich ascites tumor cells was studied in an effort to determine whether Cl- and SO4-2 share a common transport mechanism [2].
  • The phloretin hydrolase was heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli and purified [3].
  • Cloning and expression of a phloretin hydrolase gene from Eubacterium ramulus and characterization of the recombinant enzyme [3].
  • Studies were conducted in the sensitive and multidrug resistant human breast cancer cell lines MCF-7 and MDA435/LCC6 and examined the effects of the flavonoids biochanin A, morin, phloretin, and silymarin on daunomycin (DNM) accumulation and doxorubicin cytotoxicity [4].

High impact information on phloretin


Chemical compound and disease context of phloretin


Biological context of phloretin

  • Both processes were involved in apoptotic death, as demonstrated by the observation that the Cl- channel blocker phloretin inhibited both the staurosporine-evoked Cl- current and AVD, and preserved cell viability [15].
  • When the energy barrier for ion transport was lowered in mitochondria, by increasing the membrane potential, or in liposomes, by adding phloretin, the Hill coefficients decreased to lower integer numbers [16].
  • Transfection experiments with this spliced variant restore amiloride-insensitive, phloretin-sensitive SLC activity [17].
  • These results are consistent with the hypothesis that phloretin decreases the intrinsic positive internal membrane potential but does not modify to a great extent the potential energy minima at the membrane interfaces [18].
  • The submillisecond kinetics for phloretin binding to unilamellar phosphatidylcholine (PC) vesicles was investigated using the temperature-jump technique [19].

Anatomical context of phloretin


Associations of phloretin with other chemical compounds

  • Chalcone synthase [naringenin-chalcone synthase; malonyl-CoA:4-coumaroyl-CoA malonyltransferase (cyclizing), E.C.], the key enzyme of flavonoid pathways that was believed to be soluble, has been localized on ribosome-bearing endoplasmic reticulum membranes in the epidermis of buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum M.) hypocotyls [25].
  • The thermodynamics of interactions between phloretin and a phosphatidylcholine (PC) vesicle membrane are characterized using equilibrium spectrophotometric titration, stopped-flow, and temperature-jump techniques [26].
  • Experiments carried out in cells loaded in the presence of nystatin to contain either only K or only Na show that the ouabain-insensitive, phloretin-inhibited Li movements into or out of human red cells are stimulated by Na on the trans side and inhibited by Na on the cis side of the red cell membrane [27].
  • The half-inhibition concentrations at [Cl(o)] = 150 mM in control cells (Ki,o) and covalently DIDS-treated cells (Ki,c) were: DIDS, Ki,c = 73 nM; DNDS, Ki,o = 6.3 microM, Ki,c = 22 microM; phloretin, Ki,o = 19 microM, Ki,c = 17 microM; salicylate, Ki,o = 4 mM, Ki,c = 8 mM; Killer III, Ki,o = 10 microM, Ki,c = 10 microM [28].
  • In high stress perfusions, the ratios of the "passive" to the "active" components determined using phloretin and phloridzin were 0.94 and 0.95, respectively; cytochalasin B gave 0.95 [29].

Gene context of phloretin


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of phloretin


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