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Gene Review

Gpi1  -  glucose phosphate isomerase 1

Mus musculus

Synonyms: AMF, Amf, Autocrine motility factor, GPI, Glucose-6-phosphate isomerase, ...
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Disease relevance of Gpi1


Psychiatry related information on Gpi1


High impact information on Gpi1


Chemical compound and disease context of Gpi1


Biological context of Gpi1

  • We propose that glycolysis in Gpi1-negative cells proceeds entirely through the pentose phosphate pathway, creating NADPH at the cost of organic carbon [1].
  • This distribution explains why the absolute amounts of Gpi1 protein were not appreciably different between wild-type and the rd/rd phenotype, where rods and cones are absent, whilst the relative contribution of Gpi1 to the total protein and RNA pools differed [1].
  • Analysis of diabetes progression in another NOD stock congenic for C57BL/6 alleles on Chromosome 7 linked to the glucose phosphate isomerase (Gpi1(b)) locus provided no protection, indicating that the diabetes resistance (Idd) gene was distal to 34 cM (D7Mit346) [12].
  • A pavillion effect on the observed genotype numbers was found for Pgm-1 and Gpi-1 (P less than 0.10) [13].
  • Removal of GPI-anchored cell surface proteins by phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C treatment rendered cells resistant to NAD-mediated apoptosis [14].

Anatomical context of Gpi1

  • This mouse produced 28 offspring, eight of which were derived from homozygous Gpi1(-/-) null oocytes [15].
  • DNA in situ hybridization also showed that some Gpi1(-/-) follicle cells were able to survive in chimaeric ovarian follicles [15].
  • These results strongly indicate that the GPI-anchor is critical for this pathway of T cell activation [7].
  • Neuroleukin also supports the survival of cultured sensory neurons that are insensitive to nerve growth factor, but has no effect on sympathetic or parasympathetic neurons [4].
  • Neuroleukin promotes the survival in culture of a subpopulation of embryonic spinal neurons that probably includes skeletal motor neurons [4].

Associations of Gpi1 with chemical compounds


Regulatory relationships of Gpi1


Other interactions of Gpi1

  • The GPI-anchored isoform is functionally important, because on a cell on which it was expressed almost as well as the 100 kDa isoform, treatment with PI-PLC reduced VLA-4-dependent conjugate formation [22].
  • On the same genetic background in a backcross segregating for Rb9, the Gpi-1-Ldh-1 recombination percentage was 7.1 +/- 1 [9].
  • A genetic interpretation is proposed to explain the patterns observed for MDH and GPI (with a dimeric structure) and for PGM (monomeric structure); a comparison is made with electrophoretic data available for S. mansoni and S. rodhaini [23].
  • Analysis of progeny from reciprocal backcrosses established that the electrophoretic forms are expressed codominantly and that Pep-4 is located between the genes for glucosephosphate isomerase (Gpi-1) and pink-eyed dilution (p) on chromosome 7 [24].
  • In a backcross using the Robertsonian translocation Rb(7.18)9Lub (Rb9) as the centromeric marker, the centromere-Gpi-1 recombination percentage was 4.5 +/- 1.3, demonstrating that Rb9 suppresses recombination near the centromere of chromosome 7 [9].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Gpi1


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