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Gene Review

Saa1  -  serum amyloid A 1

Mus musculus

Synonyms: Saa-1, Saa2, Serum amyloid A-1 protein
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Disease relevance of Saa1


High impact information on Saa1


Chemical compound and disease context of Saa1


Biological context of Saa1

  • Our results suggest that SAF is a key regulator of cytokine-mediated SAA gene expression in some nonhepatic cells [14].
  • Transfection and DNA-binding studies were performed to investigate the mechanism controlling cytokine-induced, nonhepatic expression of the SAA gene [14].
  • In order to explore the mechanism of SAA isotype-specific amyloid protein AA deposition, the molecular kinetics of the serum amyloid proteins were examined in CBA mice during casein induction of amyloidosis [15].
  • The serum amyloid A (SAA) proteins make up a multigene family of apolipoproteins associated with high density lipoproteins [16].
  • Starting with induced liver RNA, we have constructed a recombinant plasmid containing most of the DNA sequence encoding the serum amyloid A polypeptide [17].

Anatomical context of Saa1

  • These results indicate that fibronectin plays an important role in the development of amyloidosis by working as a linking protein between SAA and the cell surface of macrophages [18].
  • Extrahepatic SAA1 and SAA2 mRNA were induced by lipopolysaccharide in kidney proximal and distal convoluted tubule epithelia, and SAA1 mRNA was induced in epithelial lining the mucosa of the ileum and large intestine, indicating that there may be more than one function for the apoSAA gene family related to site of and stimulus for expression [19].
  • Induction of serum amyloid A inflammatory response genes in irradiated bone marrow cells [20].
  • The small intestine, primarily the ileum, and the large intestine of unstimulated control animals contained 5- and 15-fold higher SAA mRNA levels than control liver [21].
  • Adrenal gland expressed SAA mRNA at a low level (0.5% of hepatic level), and was the only extrahepatic tissue with elevated SAA mRNA after casein injection [21].

Associations of Saa1 with chemical compounds


Regulatory relationships of Saa1

  • This suggested that suppression of SAA levels was not the primary event inhibiting amyloid deposition [26].
  • METHODS AND RESULTS: A cytokine mixture (tumor necrosis factor [TNF]-alpha, interleukin [IL]-1beta, and IL-6) simultaneously induced SAA and repressed apoA-I and PON-1 expression levels [27].
  • The injection of IL-2 induced SAA gene expression in the liver [28].
  • Only liposomes containing intact SAA2.1 or its residues 1-20 or 74-103 promoted the efflux of cholesterol in vivo [29].
  • Epithelial induction of serum amyloid A is possibly relevant to mucosal inflammation because that was observed in bacteria-reconstituted and dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis in vivo and because interleukin-beta and lipopolysaccharide induced its mRNA in vitro [30].

Other interactions of Saa1


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Saa1


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