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Gene Review

GHSR  -  growth hormone secretagogue receptor

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: GH-releasing peptide receptor, GHRP, GHS-R, Ghrelin receptor, Growth hormone secretagogue receptor type 1
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Disease relevance of GHSR

  • To our knowledge, these data are the first to demonstrate linkage and association of SNPs and haplotypes within the GHSR gene region and human obesity [1].
  • Additionally, the coding region of GHSR was systematically screened, and seven sequence variants were identified in 93 obese, 96 normal weight, and 94 underweight individuals and 43 children with short normal stature (SNS) [2].
  • Body weights of the transgenic mice became similar in adulthood, whereas adipose mass was reduced, particularly so in female GHRH-GHSR mice [3].
  • Ghrelin and growth hormone (GH) secretagogue receptor (GHSR) mRNA expression in human pituitary adenomas [4].
  • The expression of GHSR mRNA was significantly lower in gsp mutation-positive than -negative adenomas [5].

Psychiatry related information on GHSR


High impact information on GHSR

  • They act through the GHS-R, a G protein-coupled receptor whose ligand has only been discovered recently [11].
  • Molecular and genetic models, the discovery of human GHRH and its receptor, the cloning of the GHRP receptor, and the clinical availability of recombinant GH and IGF-I have allowed surprisingly rapid advances in our knowledge of the neuroregulation of the GH-IGF-I axis in many pathophysiological contexts [12].
  • The GHRP receptor has recently been cloned and it does not show sequence homology with other G-protein-coupled receptors known so far [13].
  • This mutation, which results in decreased cell-surface expression of the receptor, selectively impairs the constitutive activity of the GHSR, while preserving its ability to respond to ghrelin [14].
  • The growth hormone (GH) secretagogue receptor (GHSR) was cloned as the target of a family of synthetic molecules endowed with GH release properties [14].

Chemical compound and disease context of GHSR


Biological context of GHSR


Anatomical context of GHSR


Associations of GHSR with chemical compounds

  • The apparent sexual dimorphism in GHSR indicates different regulatory effects of sex steroid in young growing SDRs [20].
  • High doses of GHRP-2 treatment decreased the levels of both GHRH-R and GHS-R mRNA [23].
  • However, non-natural SRIH octapeptide agonists (mainly lanreotide and vapreotide) displace 125I-Tyr-Ala-hexarelin from pituitary binding sites suggesting that an endogenous factor related to SRIH might exist and interact with GHS-R [24].
  • This review will summarize the recent progress in small-molecule GHS-R antagonists and offer some insight into this area of research based on the experience at Abbott Laboratories [25].
  • The constitutive activity of the ghrelin receptor and of neurotensin receptor 2 through the G(q), phospholipase C pathway was approximately 50% of their maximal capacity as determined through inositol phosphate accumulation [26].

Physical interactions of GHSR


Regulatory relationships of GHSR


Other interactions of GHSR


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of GHSR


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