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Gene Review

SIGLEC1  -  sialic acid binding Ig-like lectin 1,...

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: CD169, FLJ00051, FLJ00055, FLJ00073, FLJ32150, ...
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Disease relevance of SIGLEC1


Psychiatry related information on SIGLEC1


High impact information on SIGLEC1


Biological context of SIGLEC1


Anatomical context of SIGLEC1


Associations of SIGLEC1 with chemical compounds

  • Using antibodies raised to the recombinant protein, sialoadhesin was immunoprecipitated from the THP-1 human monocytic cell line as an approximate 200-kd glycoprotein [16].
  • In conclusion, sialoadhesin specifically recognizes the oligosaccharide sequence Neu5Ac alpha 2----3Gal beta 1----3GalNAc in either sialoglycoproteins or gangliosides [17].
  • The past year has provided the X-ray crystal structures of both the N-terminal domain of sialoadhesin and the extracytoplasmic domain of the cation-dependent mannose 6-phosphate receptor [18].
  • In contrast, sialoadhesin had less exacting specificity, binding to gangliosides that bear either terminal alpha2,3- or alpha2,8-linked sialic acids with the following rank-order potency of binding: GQ1balpha > GD1a = GD1b = GT1b = GM3 = GM4 > GD3 = GQ1b >> GM1 (nonbinder) [19].
  • Thus, while siglecs may not interfere with selectin-mediated recognition, fucosylation could negatively regulate siglec binding [20].

Physical interactions of SIGLEC1

  • Finally, sialoadhesin bound different glycoforms of CD43 expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells, including unbranched (core 1) and branched (core 2) O:-linked glycans, that are normally found on CD43 in resting and activated T cells, respectively [11].
  • Related immunoglobulin (Ig) superfamily members either failed to bind gangliosides (CD22) or bound with less stringent specificity (sialoadhesin), whereas a modified form of MAG (bearing three of its five extra-cellular Ig-like domains) bound only GQ1b alpha [21].
  • The CD33 antigen is a 67-kd glycosylated transmembrane protein of the sialic acid-binding immunoglobulinlike lectin (siglec) family with immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motifs [22].
  • Binding specificities of the sialoadhesin family of I-type lectins. Sialic acid linkage and substructure requirements for binding of myelin-associated glycoprotein, Schwann cell myelin protein, and sialoadhesin [19].
  • Human Siglec-5 is a sialic acid binding immunoglobulin (Ig)-like lectin (Siglec), comprising one N-terminal IgV-SET domain followed by three IgC2-SET domains, and a cytoplasmic domain with ITIM and SAP motifs which regulate cell signalling [23].

Regulatory relationships of SIGLEC1


Other interactions of SIGLEC1


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of SIGLEC1


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