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MCS  -  Miles-Carpenter X-linked mental...

Homo sapiens

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Disease relevance of MCS


Psychiatry related information on MCS

  • African-Americans had a slower increase in MCS and might have a different initial emotional or mental health response to RRP than have Caucasians [6].
  • RESULTS: Pain, with respect to disability and PCS, and depressive symptoms, with respect to MCS, were more important predictors than radiographic damage and disease activity [7].
  • Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) was predictive of lower MCS, and depression was associated with poor MCS [8].
  • Other investigators have found evidence of increased prevalence of depression, anxiety, and somatization disorders in MCS patients and have concluded that their psychiatric conditions account for the clinical picture [9].
  • This paper reviews the clinical and experimental literature on patients with multiple adverse responses to chemicals (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome-MCS) and develops a model for MCS based on olfactory-limbic system dysfunction that overlaps in part with Post's kindling model for affective disorders [9].

High impact information on MCS

  • Women's mental health measures were significantly better in the intervention group (MCS, 3.03 [95% CI 1.53-4.52]; EPDS -1.92 [-2.55 to -1.29]; EPDS 13+ odds ratio 0.57 [0.43-0.76]) than in controls, but the physical health score did not differ [10].
  • Furthermore, cultured MCS expressed surface membrane receptors for IgE and could be triggered for nontoxic histamine release by a monoclonal anti-IgE antibody [11].
  • By combined immunofluorescence/toluidine blue staining, MCS were found to express a cell surface marker profile that corresponds to the immunological phenotype of peripheral blood basophils (MY-7(CD13)+, VIM12(CD11b)+, VIM2+, MAX1-, MAX24- and YB5B8-) [11].
  • Besides MCS, formation of eosinophils was observed in this culture system in the continuous presence of rhIL-3, whereas IL-3 pulse-stimulation for three hours and subsequent exposure to control medium induced growth of MCS but not of eosinophils [11].
  • Here we report two strategies for MCS identification, demonstrating their ability to detect virtually all known actively conserved sequences (specifically, coding sequences) but very little neutrally evolving sequence (specifically, ancestral repeats) [12].

Chemical compound and disease context of MCS

  • The nabumetone 1500-mg group showed significantly greater responses than the placebo group in vitality (P < 0.05), mental health (P < 0.01), and MCS score (P < 0.001) [13].
  • At week 6, oxaprozin treatment resulted in significantly greater improvement than placebo in physical functioning, role physical, and bodily pain (P < 0.05); social functioning, role emotional, and mental health (P < 0.01); and vitality and MCS score (P < 0.001) [13].
  • The weight loss for MCS/CSI is mainly due to the weight loss of the matrix while for MCB/AS it is mainly due to the diltiazem hydrochloride released from the tablet [14].
  • Mental health problems, sexual abuse, physical abuse, the use of sedatives, the use of cocaine, the number of days of cocaine use, sedative use and multiple substance use in the past month were significantly associated with MCS [15].

Biological context of MCS

  • Multiple regression analysis was used to assess the associations between adiposity measures (BMI, WC) and quality of life outcomes (PCS, MCS) [16].
  • Pearson's univariate correlations were determined between the Short Form 36 (SF-36) physical component summary (PCS) and mental component summary (MCS) scales, functional questionnaires, and physiologic parameters of breathing (forced vital capacity [FVC] and single-breath diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide [DLCO]) [17].
  • The energetic effects of loops were determined from the melting behavior of repeating inserts installed between (G+C)-rich barrier domains in the pN/MCS plasmids [18].
  • Higher baseline nausea symptom score, lower gastric emptying rates at one hour, and lower body mass index were associated with decreased MCS (all p<0.05) [19].
  • Synthesis of the MCS literature with large bodies of research in neurotoxicology, occupational medicine, and biological psychiatry, suggests that the phenomenology of MCS patients overlaps that of affective spectrum disorders and that both involve dysfunction of the limbic pathways [9].

Anatomical context of MCS

  • MCS may act in part through descending (top-down) inhibitory controls that involve prefrontal, orbitofrontal and ACC as well as basal ganglia, thalamus and brainstem [20].
  • To investigate brain mechanisms whereby electrical stimulation of the motor cortex (MCS) may induce pain relief in patients with neuropathic pain, cerebral blood flow (CBF) changes were studied using H(2)O PET in 19 consecutive patients treated with MCS for refractory neuropathic pain [20].
  • In contrast, the hypothesis of somatosensory cortex activation by MCS could not be confirmed by our results [21].
  • A model of MCS action is proposed, whereby activation of thalamic nuclei directly connected with motor and premotor cortices would entail a cascade of synaptic events in pain-related structures receiving afferents from these nuclei, including the medial thalamus, anterior cingulate and upper brainstem [21].
  • Our results suggest that descending axons, rather than apical dendrites, are primarily activated by MCS, and highlight the thalamus as the key structure mediating functional MCS effects [21].

Associations of MCS with chemical compounds

  • RESULTS: Among women in the QOL analysis, mean PCS, MCS, and CES-D scores worsened modestly over the study's 60 months, with no significant difference between the tamoxifen (n = 973) and raloxifene (n = 1010) groups (P>.2) [22].
  • The product volumes were 50 mL (CS 3000 Plus), 69 mL (MCS 3P), and 166 mL (Spectra) [23].
  • Grand Rounds in Environmental Medicine: information on MCS needed [24].
  • In this study, LA metabolism was affected only in obese children with but not in those without MCS [25].
  • DHGLA values in PL were significantly higher in obese children with MCS (4.06 [0.74]) than in controls (2.69 [1.60]) [25].

Other interactions of MCS

  • The physical (PCS) and mental component score (MCS) were calculated from the questionnaires at each time and the data analysed by random coefficient modelling [6].
  • Neutralization of MCP-1 was followed by an almost complete absence of monocyte migration into the MCS [26].
  • Construct validity was tested, using Pearson's correlations, by comparing subscale scores on the CSHQ-RA to those obtained from the mental component summary (MCS) and physical component summary (PCS) of the SF-36 [27].
  • Tij and Delta Hij for stacking of pair i upon j in DNA have been obtained over the range 0.034-0.114 M Na+from high-resolution melting curves of well-behaved synthetic tandemly repeating inserts in recombinant pN/MCS plasmids [18].
  • Independent predictors of follow-up PCS were baseline PCS, a composite index of comorbidities, prior coronary bypass surgery, baseline MOS SF-36 mental component score (MCS), age, and recent thrombolysis [28].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of MCS

  • Injury Severity Score was not associated with PCS or MCS [8].
  • Health status was assessed with the physical and mental component summary score of the SF-36 (PCS and MCS), the symptoms dimension of the KDQOL-SF, and the Karnofsky Scale [29].
  • Using the physical and mental components of the SF-12, a new 12-item short form health survey as predictors of ED, only the mental composite score (MCS) was statistically significant after adjusting for age and diabetes (P = 0.008) [30].
  • The corresponding adjusted values for RR for first hospitalization were 1.06 for MCS, 1.15 for PCS, and 1.07 for KDCS [4].
  • The RBCs were collected in CP2D by the FDA-approved protocol for an automated apheresis device (MCS, LN8150, Haemonetics) and were stored at 4 degrees C in AS-3 for 6 days [31].


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