Gene Review:
SFRP1 - secreted frizzled-related protein 1
Homo sapiens
FRP, FRP-1, FRP1, FrzA, SARP-2, ...
- WNT antagonist, SFRP1, is Hedgehog signaling target. Katoh, Y., Katoh, M. Int. J. Mol. Med. (2006)
- SARPs: a family of secreted apoptosis-related proteins. Melkonyan, H.S., Chang, W.C., Shapiro, J.P., Mahadevappa, M., Fitzpatrick, P.A., Kiefer, M.C., Tomei, L.D., Umansky, S.R. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1997)
- Expression of the secreted frizzled-related protein gene family is downregulated in human mesothelioma. Lee, A.Y., He, B., You, L., Dadfarmay, S., Xu, Z., Mazieres, J., Mikami, I., McCormick, F., Jablons, D.M. Oncogene (2004)
- Modulated expression of secreted frizzled-related proteins in human retinal degeneration. Jones, S.E., Jomary, C., Grist, J., Stewart, H.J., Neal, M.J. Neuroreport (2000)
- Painful channels. Catterall, W.A., Yu, F.H. Neuron (2006)
- Epigenetic inactivation of SFRP genes allows constitutive WNT signaling in colorectal cancer. Suzuki, H., Watkins, D.N., Jair, K.W., Schuebel, K.E., Markowitz, S.D., Chen, W.D., Pretlow, T.P., Yang, B., Akiyama, Y., Van Engeland, M., Toyota, M., Tokino, T., Hinoda, Y., Imai, K., Herman, J.G., Baylin, S.B. Nat. Genet. (2004)
- Insights into Wnt binding and signalling from the structures of two Frizzled cysteine-rich domains. Dann, C.E., Hsieh, J.C., Rattner, A., Sharma, D., Nathans, J., Leahy, D.J. Nature (2001)
- Molecular and biological characterization of fusion regulatory proteins (FRPs): anti-FRP mAbs induced HIV-mediated cell fusion via an integrin system. Ohta, H., Tsurudome, M., Matsumura, H., Koga, Y., Morikawa, S., Kawano, M., Kusugawa, S., Komada, H., Nishio, M., Ito, Y. EMBO J. (1994)
- Secreted frizzled related protein 2 (Sfrp2) is the key Akt-mesenchymal stem cell-released paracrine factor mediating myocardial survival and repair. Mirotsou, M., Zhang, Z., Deb, A., Zhang, L., Gnecchi, M., Noiseux, N., Mu, H., Pachori, A., Dzau, V. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2007)
- Functional variants within the secreted frizzled-related protein 3 gene are associated with hip osteoarthritis in females. Loughlin, J., Dowling, B., Chapman, K., Marcelline, L., Mustafa, Z., Southam, L., Ferreira, A., Ciesielski, C., Carson, D.A., Corr, M. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2004)
- Aberrant methylation of secreted frizzled-related protein genes in esophageal adenocarcinoma and Barrett's esophagus. Zou, H., Molina, J.R., Harrington, J.J., Osborn, N.K., Klatt, K.K., Romero, Y., Burgart, L.J., Ahlquist, D.A. Int. J. Cancer (2005)
- Expression of Frzb/secreted Frizzled-related protein 3, a secreted Wnt antagonist, in human androgen-independent prostate cancer PC-3 cells suppresses tumor growth and cellular invasiveness. Zi, X., Guo, Y., Simoneau, A.R., Hope, C., Xie, J., Holcombe, R.F., Hoang, B.H. Cancer Res. (2005)
- The Wnt antagonist sFRP1 is downregulated in premalignant large bowel adenomas. Caldwell, G.M., Jones, C.E., Taniere, P., Warrack, R., Soon, Y., Matthews, G.M., Morton, D.G. Br. J. Cancer (2006)
- Alterations of the Wnt signaling pathway during the neoplastic progression of Barrett's esophagus. Clément, G., Braunschweig, R., Pasquier, N., Bosman, F.T., Benhattar, J. Oncogene (2006)
- Cloning and characterization of a secreted frizzled-related protein that is expressed by the retinal pigment epithelium. Chang, J.T., Esumi, N., Moore, K., Li, Y., Zhang, S., Chew, C., Goodman, B., Rattner, A., Moody, S., Stetten, G., Campochiaro, P.A., Zack, D.J. Hum. Mol. Genet. (1999)
- Secreted frizzled-related protein 1 (SFRP1) protects fibroblasts from ceramide-induced apoptosis. Han, X., Amar, S. J. Biol. Chem. (2004)
- WNT pathway and mammary carcinogenesis: loss of expression of candidate tumor suppressor gene SFRP1 in most invasive carcinomas except of the medullary type. Ugolini, F., Charafe-Jauffret, E., Bardou, V.J., Geneix, J., Adélaïde, J., Labat-Moleur, F., Penault-Llorca, F., Longy, M., Jacquemier, J., Birnbaum, D., Pébusque, M.J. Oncogene (2001)
- Promoter methylation of the secreted frizzled-related protein 1 gene SFRP1 is frequent in hepatocellular carcinoma. Shih, Y.L., Shyu, R.Y., Hsieh, C.B., Lai, H.C., Liu, K.Y., Chu, T.Y., Lin, Y.W. Cancer (2006)
- DNA methylation alterations in urothelial carcinoma. Neuhausen, A., Florl, A.R., Grimm, M.O., Schulz, W.A. Cancer Biol. Ther. (2006)
- Purification and molecular cloning of a secreted, Frizzled-related antagonist of Wnt action. Finch, P.W., He, X., Kelley, M.J., Uren, A., Schaudies, R.P., Popescu, N.C., Rudikoff, S., Aaronson, S.A., Varmus, H.E., Rubin, J.S. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1997)
- Expression of fusion regulatory proteins (FRPs) on human peripheral blood monocytes. Induction of homotypic cell aggregation and formation of multinucleated giant cells by anti-FRP-1 monoclonal antibodies. Tabata, N., Ito, M., Shimokata, K., Suga, S., Ohgimoto, S., Tsurudome, M., Kawano, M., Matsumura, H., Komada, H., Nishio, M. J. Immunol. (1994)
- Functional and biochemical interactions of Wnts with FrzA, a secreted Wnt antagonist. Xu, Q., D'Amore, P.A., Sokol, S.Y. Development (1998)
- Transcriptional silencing of secreted frizzled related protein 1 (SFRP 1) by promoter hypermethylation in non-small-cell lung cancer. Fukui, T., Kondo, M., Ito, G., Maeda, O., Sato, N., Yoshioka, H., Yokoi, K., Ueda, Y., Shimokata, K., Sekido, Y. Oncogene (2005)
- Bone morphogenetic protein-2 modulates Wnt and frizzled expression and enhances the canonical pathway of Wnt signaling in normal keratinocytes. Yang, L., Yamasaki, K., Shirakata, Y., Dai, X., Tokumaru, S., Yahata, Y., Tohyama, M., Hanakawa, Y., Sayama, K., Hashimoto, K. J. Dermatol. Sci. (2006)
- Differential expression of WNTs and FRPs in the synovium of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Imai, K., Morikawa, M., D'Armiento, J., Matsumoto, H., Komiya, K., Okada, Y. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (2006)
- CpG island methylation and expression of the secreted frizzled-related protein gene family in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Liu, T.H., Raval, A., Chen, S.S., Matkovic, J.J., Byrd, J.C., Plass, C. Cancer Res. (2006)
- Methylation of APC, TIMP3, and TERT: a new predictive marker to distinguish Barrett's oesophagus patients at risk for malignant transformation. Clément, G., Braunschweig, R., Pasquier, N., Bosman, F.T., Benhattar, J. J. Pathol. (2006)
- Secreted frizzled-related protein 1 modulates glucocorticoid attenuation of osteogenic activities and bone mass. Wang, F.S., Lin, C.L., Chen, Y.J., Wang, C.J., Yang, K.D., Huang, Y.T., Sun, Y.C., Huang, H.C. Endocrinology (2005)
- Suppressing Wnt Signaling by the Hedgehog Pathway through sFRP-1. He, J., Sheng, T., Stelter, A.A., Li, C., Zhang, X., Sinha, M., Luxon, B.A., Xie, J. J. Biol. Chem. (2006)
- Aberrant methylation of secreted apoptosis-related protein 2 (SARP2) in pure pancreatic juice in diagnosis of pancreatic neoplasms. Watanabe, H., Okada, G., Ohtsubo, K., Yao, F., Jiang, P.H., Mouri, H., Wakabayashi, T., Sawabu, N. Pancreas (2006)