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Water Supply

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Disease relevance of Water Supply


Psychiatry related information on Water Supply


High impact information on Water Supply

  • The findings show that the prevalence of H pylori infection is high among young Peruvian children and that the municipal water supply seems to be an important source of infection among Lima children from families of both low and high socioeconomic status [7].
  • Aluminium deposition in bone after contamination of drinking water supply [8].
  • In Annan, a similar town which has never had fluoride added to the water supply, caries prevalence fell significantly, with little change in the cost of dental treatment [9].
  • NANB is widespread in India and several countries of South-East Asia; it is increasingly recognised in Africa and may occur in Latin America. Control measures include provision of clean water supplies, safe disposal of human excreta, and sound personal and food hygiene practices [10].
  • Both cadmium and nitrosamines are known environmental contaminants present in air, food, water supplies, and tobacco smoke [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of Water Supply

  • Two of 3 adult Greyhounds with clinical signs of giardiasis were treated by the addition of ipronidazole hydrochloride to their water supply (126 mg/L) for 7 days [12].
  • Rats with permanent access to a water supply adulterated with citric acid (CA) displayed persistent reductions in fluid intake and fluid/food ratios; and at appropriate concentrations of CA, they also exhibited lowered body weights and drinking deficits after fluid deprivation and after hypertonic NaCl injections [13].
  • This paper analyses the situation in countries comprising the WHO South-East Asia Region with respect to water supply and sanitation services, hygiene and the epidemiology of related infectious diseases [14].
  • In two separate blocks of experiments, the extreme within-group aggression which is typically associated with limbic seizure-induced brain injury in male rats was attenuated or abolished within two days by the administration of prednisolone in the water supply [15].
  • Chlorodibromomethane, a trihalomethane found in water supplies after chlorination, was administered by gavage in corn oil to male and female Fischer 344/N rats and B6C3F1 mice in toxicity studies of 13 weeks and 2 years duration [16].

Biological context of Water Supply


Anatomical context of Water Supply

  • The results indicate that fluoride might be not clastogenic to human fibroblasts when exposed at low levels, equivalent to those in the communal water supplies [22].
  • Thyroid volume (ThV) and echogenicity by ultrasound were estimated in 324 schoolchildren (aged between 10 and 13-years) from high nitrate area (HNA) located in agricultural lowland with high nitrate drinking water supply (51-274 mg/l) from shallow wells [23].
  • The effect of the presence of fluoride in toothpaste on tooth wear was investigated in extracted human premolar teeth collected from two geographic areas with different fluoride concentrations in the public water supply [24].

Associations of Water Supply with chemical compounds


Gene context of Water Supply

  • In rats with normal water supply, daily urinary excretion of AQP2 was 3.9+/-0.9% (n = 6) of total kidney expression [30].
  • At the recent World Water '86 conference in London, the Director of Water Supply and Urban Development in the Operations Policy Department of the World Bank chastised the assembled engineers for behaving like religious fanatics, convinced that their work is good and righteous but not willing (or able) to demonstrate this [31].
  • Antibody activity in sera of patients with humidifier disease: studies of the water supply as a source of antigens [32].
  • New methods such as those using polymerase chain reaction may help with detection of Cryptosporidium in water supplies or in asymptomatic carriers [33].
  • OBJECTIVE--To investigate whether higher IDDM incidence rates occurred in areas with high nitrate levels in their potable water supplies [34].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Water Supply


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