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Latin America

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Disease relevance of Latin America


Psychiatry related information on Latin America


High impact information on Latin America


Chemical compound and disease context of Latin America


Biological context of Latin America

  • The study included 29 ETEC isolates from Latin America and Spain expressing the phenotype O153:H45 CFA/I ST plus 1 rough derivative, 2 nonmotile derivatives, and 1 O78:H12 CFA/I ST isolate, and a representative of a genetically distinct ETEC group [18].
  • Acute promyelocytic leukaemia in patients originating in Latin America is associated with an increased frequency of the bcr1 subtype of the PML/RARalpha fusion gene [19].
  • The analysis of epidemiological data concerning human cysticercosis point to important advances in understanding the magnitude and distribution of this parasitic disease in Latin America, as well as the relationship of the elements that conform the life cycle of Taenia solium [20].
  • The presence of the P542 element was confirmed in 11 T. rangeli isolates from mammalian hosts and insect vectors originating from several countries in Latin America. Negative amplification was observed with different T. cruzi strains and other trypanosomatids [21].
  • The principal distinct APL epidemiological features that so far have been described are the constant incidence with age after age 20, equal incidence in males and females and higher frequency among patients originating in Latin America. The APL-specific PML/RARalpha gene rearrangement is different in Latinos and non-Latinos [22].

Associations of Latin America with chemical compounds


Gene context of Latin America

  • Although many new HLA-B alleles have been produced in Latin America, their net effect has been to differentiate populations, not to increase allele diversity within a population [28].
  • Systematic genetic study of Alzheimer disease in Latin America: mutation frequencies of the amyloid beta precursor protein and presenilin genes in Colombia [29].
  • In a previous study, we reported increased levels of soluble receptors of interleukin-2 (sIL2-R) in children with acute Chagas' disease, one of the main parasitic infections that is endemic in Latin America. We sought to analyze the pattern of different cytokines and soluble receptors in the sera of children with chagasic infection [30].
  • This is the first report of CTX-M-type enzymes in Bolivia and Peru and also the first report of the detection of CTX-M-15 in Latin America [31].
  • Chagas' disease is a chronic, debilitating, multisystemic disorder that affects millions of people in Latin America. The protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiological agent of Chagas' disease, has a large number of O-glycosylated Thr/Ser/Pro-rich mucin molecules on its surface (TcMuc) [32].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Latin America

  • The primary use of this test is in the diagnosis and screening of donated blood in Latin America. When compared with sera positive by xenodiagnosis, the assay had a clinical sensitivity of 100% [33].
  • Monthly injectable contraceptives, containing a combination of a long-acting progestogen and an estrogen, have been used in Latin America and China for many years [34].
  • METHOD: Cross-sectional analysis of CF patient population data from Latin-America, Canada, and The Netherlands, under the assumption that they represent stationary populations, was used to determined and correlates hazard rates, average cores and CF progression rates [35].
  • Thus, this study in Costa Rican infants supports the routine use of the pentavalent DTPw-HB/Hib vaccine as part of childhood vaccination programs in Latin America and the Caribbean [36].


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