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Disease relevance of Tibia


High impact information on Tibia

  • Doses of homocysteic acid as low as 1 microgram per day for 4 days in the tibia assay and 2.5 milligrams per kilogram per day for 5 weeks in the tail assay were effective in promoting growth [5].
  • The healing of stabilized tibia fractures was significantly delayed in COX-2(-/-) mice compared with COX-1(-/-) and wild-type controls [6].
  • In this study we describe, to our knowledge, the first experiment using the microdialysis technique for studying the release of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) in the proximal tibia metaphysis secondary to mechanical loading [7].
  • METHODS: We measured bone mineral density (BMD) at the distal radius and tibia in 15 cosmonauts of the Russian MIR space station who sojourned in space either 1 (n=two), 2 (two), or 6 months (11) [8].
  • To determine if osteoclasts express NADPH-oxidase, a superoxide-generating enzyme found in phagocytic leukocytes, immunohistochemical studies were performed on tibia from 1-5-d-old rats using mAbs 449 and 48 and an antiserum specific for p47-phox [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of Tibia


Biological context of Tibia

  • Not only was the concentration of CFU-S in the tibia increased 2 and 24 hours after transplantation, but the total cell number and CFU-S and CFU-GM concentrations were persistently higher in IL-3- and GM-CSF-treated groups 1 to 3 weeks after transplantation [15].
  • COMT genotype was associated with cortical vBMD but not with cortical cross-sectional area in the tibia [16].
  • The temporal patterns of messenger RNA (mRNA) expression for members of the transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) superfamily were examined over a 28-day period of fracture healing in mouse tibias [17].
  • Animals received saline (controls) or zoledronic acid (ZA; 0.1 mg/kg at surgery and again 2 weeks later), and distracted tibias were examined by radiograph, DXA, histology, and histomorphometry at 2, 4, 6, 18, and 44 weeks after surgery [18].
  • A new fluorinated bisphosphonate, difluoromethylene bisphosphonate (F2MBP), was studied for its effects on physiologic bone remodeling in the actively growing rat tibia [19].

Anatomical context of Tibia

  • Chondrocytes from chicken embryo tibia can be maintained in culture as adherent cells in Coon's modified Ham's F-12 medium supplemented with 10% FCS [20].
  • In addition to demonstrating the expression of NADPH-oxidase, the active production of superoxide by osteoclasts was also demonstrated in situ in freshly isolated tibia using 3,3'-diaminobenzidine (DAB)-Mn2+, a histochemical method specific for superoxide localization [9].
  • Similar results were obtained from the analysis of the longitudinal distribution of MGP and BGP in 14-day-old rat tibia, a bone in which new mineral is added rapidly at both growth plates [21].
  • The corresponding CVrms values for the long bone shafts ranged from 0.5% (midshaft of humerus) to 1.4% (midshaft of fibula) for CoD, from 1.7% (midshaft of tibia) to 4.6% (proximal shaft of humerus) for CoA, and from 2.5% (midshaft of tibia) to 7.5% (proximal shaft of humerus) for BSI [22].
  • In situ hybridization of the newly formed bone induced in the tibia revealed that BSP mRNA was evenly expressed in most osteoblasts and osteocytes, moreover in interconnecting colonies of spindle-shaped cells, possibly preosteoblasts, at day 6 [23].

Associations of Tibia with chemical compounds

  • Ethane-1-hydroxy-1,1-bis(phosphonate), a diphosphonate derivative, at a dose of 10 to 30 mg/kg/day s.c., prevented cancer cell invasion of the tibia as judged by the above criteria [24].
  • In tibias implanted with the LAPC-9 cells, the zoledronate was not effective in halting the formation of the osteoblastic lesions [1].
  • Control tibias were cultured without doxycycline [25].
  • MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty-eight 11-month-old female rats were fed isocaloric diets containing 2.5% (low protein) or 15% (normal protein) casein from 2 weeks before the implantation of a 1-mm-diameter cylindrical titanium rod in the proximal metaphysis of each tibia [26].
  • Recreational gymnastics was also associated with higher TrD at the distal tibia (5.2%; 1.2-9.2%), whereas estrogen usage did not show such association [27].

Gene context of Tibia

  • They generated CD34(+) progenies not only in the injected left tibia but also in other bones following migration [28].
  • Histological examination revealed an increase in the height of the proliferative and hypertrophic chondrocyte zones in fetal mouse tibias treated with CNP [29].
  • CNP mRNA was expressed abundantly in fetal mouse tibias, where no significant amounts of ANP and BNP mRNAs were detected [29].
  • A considerable amount of GC-B mRNA was present in fetal mouse tibias [29].
  • In the chronic phase, cartilage matrix erosion in the lateral and medial tibia was significantly elevated in Fc gamma RII-/- (222% and 186%, respectively) but not in Fc gamma RI-/- or Fc gamma RIII-/- mice [30].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Tibia

  • The badminton players had higher BMD compared with the control with the control group at all weight-bearing BMD sites, except at the diaphyses of the femur and tibia and lumbar spine [31].
  • We analyzed the effect of unloading by tail suspension on the anabolic action of intermittent PTH in the tibia of growing mice [32].
  • Rats received subcutaneous injections of PGE2 daily and in vivo loading of the right tibia every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for four weeks [33].
  • Despite comparable body size, males have greater BMC and BMD at the hip and distal tibia and greater tibial cortical thickness [34].
  • Four days after systemic infection with the Cbfa1mu-RCASBP (A) vector, RT-PCR analyses revealed that the expression of BSP mRNA in tibia and mandibles was virtually abolished, whereas a 30% reduction was seen in calvarial bone [35].


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