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Pleural Cavity

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Disease relevance of Pleural Cavity

  • Experiments were performed to study the effects of agents that elevate endogenous cyclic AMP levels on the progression of a reverse passive Arthus reaction in the pleural cavity of rats [1].
  • The pleural cavity of rats was used to study the effect of altering leucocyte cyclic AMP content on the release of B-glucuronidase activity during an immediate hypersensitivity reaction [2].
  • The present study demonstrates that biogenic silica fibers (BSF), previously shown to promote skin tumors in mice and more recently to promote the induction of mesotheliomas when injected into the pleural cavity of rats, rapidly induces epidermal ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity in SENCAR mice following topical application [3].
  • The existence of an oesophagopleural fistula can be demonstrated by the discovery of food particles in the pleural aspirate, by direct visualisation during oesophagoscopy after instilling methylene blue into the pleural cavity, by barium swallow, or by identification of helium in the pleural space after swallowing a mouthful of helium [4].
  • Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor augments lymphokine-activated killer activity from pleural cavity mononuclear cells of lung cancer patients without malignant effusion [5].

High impact information on Pleural Cavity


Chemical compound and disease context of Pleural Cavity


Biological context of Pleural Cavity


Anatomical context of Pleural Cavity

  • MCP-1 has a key role in this inflammatory response, and 5-lipoxygenase products are essential for neutrophil recruitment into the inflamed pleural cavity [21].
  • On the other hand, a carrageenan-induced inflammatory response in the pleural cavity of rats resulted in a large local accumulation of leukocytes, but no change in plasma Fn levels [22].
  • Moreover, by using MCP-1 neutralizing Abs and genetically deficient mice we show that LPS- and BCG-induced gammadelta T lymphocyte influx to the pleural cavity of mice is mainly orchestrated by the CC chemokine MCP-1 [23].
  • Furthermore, a significant reduction in the suppression of energy status, in DNA strand breakage, and in decreased cellular levels of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD(+)) was observed ex vivo in macrophages harvested from the pleural cavity of iNOS-KO mice subjected to carrageenan-induced pleurisy [24].
  • 2. In the first set of experiments, animals were pretreated (30 min) with different doses of theophylline (0.5-50 mg kg-1, i.p.), cromolyn (0.02-0.2 mg per pleural cavity) or salbutamol (0.05-50 mg kg-1, i.p.); the total and differential cell content, and also the exudate were analysed 4 h after carrageenin (1%) administration [25].

Associations of Pleural Cavity with chemical compounds

  • Consistent with this finding, there is a pronounced increase in the levels of IL-5 and IL-13 in the pleural cavities of sensitized NFAT1-/- mice after allergen challenge in vivo [26].
  • Injection of a variety of irritants (saline, ovalbumin, compound 48/80 and powdered glass) into the rat pleural cavity induced the disappearance of pleural leucocytes during the first two hours of the reaction [27].
  • Neutrophils isolated from the pleural cavity of rats 3 hr after the intrapleural injection of carrageenan metabolize exogenously added arachidonic acid via cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase [28].
  • H5.010RSVtk was delivered at high dose (10(12) pfu) into the pleural cavity of three non-human primates followed by systemic administration of ganciclovir [29].
  • During an acute nonspecific inflammatory reaction initiated in the pleural cavity by a nondiffusible stimulus (calcium pyrophosphate crystals), the oxidative metabolism, as measured by chemiluminescence and superoxide release, of cells harvested from both the inflammatory site and at points distant from it was studied [30].

Gene context of Pleural Cavity


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Pleural Cavity


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