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Rats, Inbred ACI

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Disease relevance of Rats, Inbred ACI


High impact information on Rats, Inbred ACI

  • In ACI rats, erosions, regenerative changes, focal and slightly atypical changes, and diffuse and severe atypical changes were observed sequentially in the pyloric region during the period of MNNG administration, where adenocarcinomas were observed after the cessation of MNNG treatment [6].
  • In vivo studies showed that BCGcw-mediated enhancement of intramuscular tumor growth of the 3924a ACI rat tumor could be abrogated by either pretreatment with busulfan or mitomycin or by the feeding of indomethacin [7].
  • Thioacetamide (TAA) was administered to inbred male ACI rats for 1 year to determine its hepatocarcinogenicity [8].
  • The carcinogenicity of dextran sulfate sodium was studied in inbred ACI rats [9].
  • Inbred ACI/rats were treated with a selective urinary bladder carcinogen N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl) nitrosamine (BBN) [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Rats, Inbred ACI


Biological context of Rats, Inbred ACI


Anatomical context of Rats, Inbred ACI


Associations of Rats, Inbred ACI with chemical compounds

  • In contrast, DES appeared to act synergistically with neutron radiation on MAC formation in ACI rats [1].
  • The carcinogenicity of the pyrrolizidine alkaloids senkirkine and symphytine was studied in male inbred ACI rats [26].
  • The average number of double labeled cells (i.e., replicating cells exposed to MNNG) was significantly larger in ACI rats than in Buffalo or F1 rats [21].
  • Female ACI rats were exposed to diethylstilbestrol (DES) transplacentally and followed to 10 months of age to assess the effect of the drug on mammary development and tumorigenesis [27].
  • The average number and range of distribution of cells labeled with BrdUrd in the pyloric glands were significantly larger in ACI rats than in Buffalo or F1 rats after administration of MNNG (83 micrograms/ml in the drinking water) for 2 or 16 weeks [21].

Gene context of Rats, Inbred ACI


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Rats, Inbred ACI

  • Streptozotocin-induced diabetic ACI rats pretreated with sublethal TBI (200 rads) 7 days prior to intraportal transplantation of freshly isolated Lewis islets reject their grafts in 10.2 +/- 2.9 days compared with rejection of islets in 8.5 +/- 2.6 days in unmodified controls [33].
  • Pig islet xenograft survival times in the nonimmunosuppressed ACI rats, ACI rats immunosuppressed with antithymocyte serum (ATS) or cyclosporin A were 3.8 +/- 0.4 (mean +/- SE; n = 5), 10.4 +/- 0.7 (n = 13) and 6.0 +/- 1.0 (n = 5) days, respectively [34].
  • Evidence supporting this hypothesis has been obtained from the human breast and animal models susceptible to estrogen-induced tumors, including the Syrian golden hamster kidney, ACI rat mammary gland, and Noble rat prostate [35].
  • Genetic crosses between Sprague-Dawley and ACI rats suggest that the liver content of alcohol dehydrogenase is controlled by an autosomal regulatory locus with the characteristics of a temporal gene [36].


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