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Gene Review

PVALB  -  parvalbumin

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: D22S749, Parvalbumin alpha
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Disease relevance of PVALB


Psychiatry related information on PVALB


High impact information on PVALB

  • Homology of myosin DTNB light chain with alkali light chains, troponin C and parvalbumin [11].
  • Synaptically and electrically coupled networks of parvalbumin-containing basket cells operate as a non-plastic, precision clockwork for gamma and theta oscillations, and are indispensable for basic cortical processing [12].
  • The protein occurs as a novel dimer assembly with unique features: in contrast to well known EF-hand proteins such as calmodulin, parvalbumin or the S100 proteins, Phl p 7 adopts an extended conformation [13].
  • This is equivalent to the concentration of binding sites on the calcium-binding proteins (troponin and parvalbumin) in frog muscle [14].
  • An increased number and proportion of the GPi neurons were positive for the calcium-binding protein parvalbumin in tissue from TS subjects, whereas lower densities of parvalbumin-positive interneurons were observed in both the Cd and putamen of TS subjects [6].

Chemical compound and disease context of PVALB


Biological context of PVALB


Anatomical context of PVALB

  • The density of inhibitory PV-immunoreactive interneurons was quantitatively assessed in all patients and control cases by using a two-dimensional cell-counting technique on PV immunostained sections [21].
  • Architectural (Type IA) focal cortical dysplasia and parvalbumin immunostaining in temporal lobe epilepsy [21].
  • For example, in rat, alpha parvalbumin was found in extrafusal and intrafusal skeletal-muscle fibres whereas, in man, alpha parvalbumin was restricted to the muscle spindles [22].
  • The calcium binding proteins calbindin, parvalbumin, and calretinin have specific patterns of expression in the gray matter of cat spinal cord [23].
  • Markers of inhibitory neurotransmission are altered in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) of subjects with schizophrenia, and several lines of evidence suggest that these alterations may be most prominent in the subset of GABA-containing neurons that express the calcium-binding protein, parvalbumin (PV) [24].

Associations of PVALB with chemical compounds

  • Given the critical role that PV-containing GABA neurons appear to play in regulating the cognitive functions mediated by the PFC, the selective alterations in gene expression in these neurons may contribute to the cognitive deficits characteristic of schizophrenia [24].
  • The calcium-induced conformational changes of the 108-amino acid residue proteins, cod III parvalbumin and oncomodulin, were compared using tryptophan as a sensitive spectroscopic probe [25].
  • Excitation spectra of Y57F, F102W, Y65W oncomodulin, and Cod III parvalbumin revealed that the principal Tb3+ luminescence donor residues were phenylalanine or tyrosine located in position 7 of a loop, despite the presence of other nearby donors, including tryptophan [26].
  • The parvalbumin metal ion-binding sites differ at the +z and -x residues: Whereas the CD site employs serine and glutamate (or aspartate), respectively, the EF site employs aspartate and glycine [27].
  • These results indicate that the presence of a hydroxyl group at the +z position is sufficient to confer pH dependence on the 7F0-->5D0 spectrum of a parvalbumin EF-hand domain [28].

Physical interactions of PVALB

  • However, calbindin and calretinin also show low levels of staining in the ventral nuclear complex and in the medial and lateral geniculate bodies which overlaps with the intense parvalbumin staining in these regions [29].
  • Ca2+ in the calcium-binding protein parvalbumin and Fe3+ in the iron-transporting protein transferrin were replaced with Yb3+ [30].
  • The microanatomy of the human lateral temporal cortex removed from patients with intractable temporal lobe epilepsy was studied using correlative light and electron microscopic immunocytochemical methods for the localization of the calcium-binding protein parvalbumin (PV) [31].

Regulatory relationships of PVALB


Other interactions of PVALB

  • After 4 weeks of differentiation in vitro, cortical and striatal NSCs gave rise to similar numbers of GABAergic and VMAT2- and parvalbumin-containing neurons [34].
  • Compared to normal cortex, the density of PV- and CB-immunoreactive interneurons was reduced in the perilesional cortex of GG patients, whereas CR-labeling was similar to that observed in normal cortex [35].
  • An STS in the human parvalbumin gene (PVALB) [36].
  • Assessment of calcium-binding proteins (Parvalbumin and Calbindin D-28K) and perineuronal nets in normal and scrapie-affected adult sheep brains [3].
  • Oncomodulin is a parvalbumin-like calcium binding protein of Mr 11,700 from rodent tumours [37].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of PVALB


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