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Chemical Compound Review

lincomycin     N-[2-hydroxy-1-(3,4,5- trihydroxy-6...

Synonyms: Lincomycine, AGN-PC-008PRK, CBMicro_021584, CCG-14357, SureCN12672814, ...
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Disease relevance of lincomycin


High impact information on lincomycin


Chemical compound and disease context of lincomycin


Biological context of lincomycin


Anatomical context of lincomycin

  • In four patients with continent ileostomy and malabsorption of B12, there was evidence of a stagnant loopsyndrome as oral lincomycin treatment resulted in increased absorption of B12 decreased excretion of faecal fat, and decreased concentrations of Bacteroides in the ileum [19].
  • Although photoinhibition, measured in the presence of lincomycin to block concurrent recovery, is faster in leaves of Cu(2+)-treated plants than in control leaves, thylakoids isolated from Cu-treated plants did not show high sensitivity to photoinhibition [20].
  • Nevertheless, the trimeric structure of PSI reaction center could be restored by readdition of PG, even in the presence of the protein synthesis inhibitor lincomycin, indicating that free PsaL was present in thylakoid membranes following the 21-d PG depletion [21].
  • This observation was followed up by in vitro and in vivo studies on the relation between lincomycin and meningococcal adherence to human epithelial cells [22].
  • Characterization of arabidopsis gun (genomes uncoupled) mutants, which express nuclear genes in the presence of norflurazon or lincomycin, has provided evidence for two separate signalling pathways, one involving tetrapyrrole biosynthesis intermediates and the other requiring plastid protein synthesis [23].

Associations of lincomycin with other chemical compounds


Gene context of lincomycin

  • In addition, the rate and selectivity of the D1 degradation and its dependence on the presence of lincomycin was proportional to the level of the psbA3 transcript in the particular strain [28].
  • Both plasmid encoded and chromosomally encoded TEM-1 beta-lactamase increased in the presence of lincomycin [29].
  • Escherichia coli K-12 strains isolates carrying plasmid pBR322 were grown in the presence of subinhibitory concentrations of lincomycin, which stimulated beta-lactamase synthesis about 2.5-fold, and the effects of the drug on the synthesis and degradation of bla mRNA were studied [30].
  • A gene locus (linR) responsible for the lincomycin resistance phenotype was mapped at min 30 of the Escherichia coli chromosome near tyrR; it seems to be identical to the previously described linB locus (Apirion, 1967); however, in contrast to these reports it does not seem to alter any ribosomal function [31].
  • Gene lmrB of Corynebacterium glutamicum confers efflux-mediated resistance to lincomycin [32].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of lincomycin


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