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Gene Review

IL1R1  -  interleukin 1 receptor, type I

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: CD121 antigen-like family member A, CD121A, D2S1473, IL-1R-1, IL-1R-alpha, ...
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Disease relevance of IL1R1

  • We explored the linkage between nine polymorphic loci in the IL1R1 promoter, eight in the IL1A-IL1B-IL1RN gene complex, and their association with osteoarthritis (OA), a common complex disease associated with low-level inflammation [1].
  • Modulation of endogenous IL-1 beta and IL-1 receptor antagonist results in opposing effects on HIV expression in chronically infected monocytic cells [2].
  • Mucosal imbalance of IL-1 and IL-1 receptor antagonist in inflammatory bowel disease. A novel mechanism of chronic intestinal inflammation [3].
  • Our laboratory has previously demonstrated that another anti-inflammatory cytokine, IL-1 receptor antagonist (IRAP) is produced and secreted by human bronchogenic carcinomas [4].
  • The present findings suggest that the dysregulation of IL-1/IL-1-R system relates to immunological dysfunction in endometriosis [5].

Psychiatry related information on IL1R1


High impact information on IL1R1

  • A new member of the IL-1 receptor family highly expressed in hippocampus and involved in X-linked mental retardation [11].
  • These results indicate katanin's activities are segregated into a subunit (p60) that possesses enzymatic activity and a subunit (p80) that targets the enzyme to the centrosome [12].
  • A region in the intracellular domain of TLR2 with homology to a portion of the interleukin (IL)-1 receptor that is implicated in the activation of the IL-1-receptor-associated kinase is required for this response [13].
  • The binding of IL-1alpha or IL-1beta to IL1R is an early step in IL-1 signal transduction and blocking this interaction may therefore be a useful target for the development of new drugs [14].
  • The mature translation product of the cDNA has been expressed in Escherichia coli and was an active competitive inhibitor of the binding of IL-1 to the T-cell/fibroblast form of the IL-1 receptor [15].

Chemical compound and disease context of IL1R1

  • Associations were found between susceptibility to septic shock and allele*2 carriage for both IL-1beta-511*C/T and TNF-alpha-308*G/A, and also between poor prognosis and allele*2 carriage in both IL-1 receptor antagonist second intron various number of tandem repeats polymorphism (IL-1raRN*1-5) and TNF-alpha-308*G/A [16].
  • Regulation by rho family GTPases of IL-1 receptor induced signaling: C3-like chimeric toxin and Clostridium difficile toxin B inhibit signaling pathways involved in IL-2 gene expression [17].
  • It has been suggested that the IL-1 receptor antagonist could be used to inhibit decidual prostaglandin synthesis and thereby prevent preterm labor, but this report shows that caution should be exercised before using the receptor antagonist [18].
  • To investigate IL-1 binding, we have synthesized and purified histidine-tagged polypeptides corresponding to Fit-1S and the extracellular domain of the type I IL-1 receptor using a vaccinia expression system [19].
  • Cross-linkage of IL-1betaR type I, TNF-alphaR (p80), and IL-8R during hypoxia and H/R resulted in increased and subsequently decreased O2- production and degranulation [20].

Biological context of IL1R1

  • METHODS: We have studied -511 C/T and +3953 T/C polymorphisms of the IL1B gene, a HinfI polymorphism in the 5'UTR of the IL1R1 gene, and a variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) in the intron 2 of the IL1RN gene, in 165 patients diagnosed as suffering from PDB and in 122 healthy controls [21].
  • The IL-1RI gene, IL1R1, maps to chromosome 2q12 [22].
  • IL1R1 promoter haplotypes showed no association with disease [1].
  • We have previously examined part of the IL1R1 promoter region and in the present study we further characterized the promoter region demarcating exon 1B and 1C by sequencing and mutation scanning [22].
  • The major novel finding of the study was a marked difference in the genotype frequencies for the IL1R1 Hinfl SNP in those with current or previous evidence of H. pylori compared to those without [23].

Anatomical context of IL1R1


Associations of IL1R1 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of IL1R1

  • The interleukin 1 (IL-1) receptor antagonist (IL-1RN) is a naturally occurring anti-inflammatory agent that binds to the IL-1 receptor but does not possess agonist activity [33].
  • The expression of IL 1 receptor (IL 1R) on myeloma cells was also analyzed using a binding assay with 125I-labeled IL 1 alpha [34].
  • Proteasome inhibitors block the degradation of phosphorylated IRAK and correspondingly increase the amount of IL-1R1 that can be coimmunoprecipitated with IRAK [35].
  • The data show that the initial translation product from IL-1 beta mRNA must be processed in order to bind to the IL-1 receptor and hence express biological activity [36].
  • Dysregulation of LPS-induced Toll-like receptor 4-MyD88 complex formation and IL-1 receptor-associated kinase 1 activation in endotoxin-tolerant cells [37].

Enzymatic interactions of IL1R1

  • The recent characterization of an IL-1 receptor associated kinase (IRAK) and a continuous molecular path between this kinase and that which directly phosphorylates IkappaB would seem to all but close the basic understanding of IL-1 receptor signal transduction [38].

Regulatory relationships of IL1R1

  • Stimulation by the maximally effective concentration of IL-1 beta (10 ng/mL) was inhibited by the human IL-1 receptor antagonist (100 ng/mL; inhibitory constant, 23.0 ng/mL), which prefers type I over type II IL-1 receptors [39].
  • In order to further elucidate the mechanism by which IL-1ra binds without activating the IL-1 receptor, we have solved the crystal structure of IL-1ra at 2.0-A resolution [40].
  • The levels of IL-1beta in U87MG were significantly higher than in other glioma cell lines, and IL-1 receptor antagonist suppressed basal secretion of VEGF from U87MG [41].
  • Overexpression of TIRP activates NF-kappaB and potentiates IL-1 receptor-mediated NF-kappaB activation [42].
  • In the lymphoid aggregates, 20% of the cells contained IL-1 alpha and 70% expressed IL-1R1 [43].
  • IL1R1 has sense Alu elements in its 3'UTR region, making it susceptible to the regulation of other protein-coding or non-coding RNAs with antisense Alu elements [44].

Other interactions of IL1R1

  • The presence of circulating IL-1 receptor antagonist and soluble TNF binding proteins (TNF-R55-BP and TNF-R75-BP) were assessed [45].
  • The logarithm of the initial plasma levels of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, interleukin (IL)-1 beta, IL-6, IL-1 receptor antagonist (ra), and plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI)-1 correlated significantly with APACHE II scores (r2 = .67, .57, .68, .81, and .68, respectively) [46].
  • It recruits the adapter protein TRAF6 to the IL-1 receptor complex via an interaction with IL-1AcP [47].
  • Stimulation and priming of human neutrophils by IL-1 alpha and IL-1 beta: complete inhibition by IL-1 receptor antagonist and no interaction with other cytokines [48].
  • Moreover, a significant correlation was found between the peak IL-1 receptor antagonist and IL-10 levels (r = 0.91, p < 0.0001) [49].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of IL1R1


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