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Chemical Compound Review

FLOXACILLIN     (2R,5R,6S)-6-[[3-(2-chloro-6- fluoro...

Synonyms: Floxapen, Fluclox, MFIPC, Flucloxacillin, flucloxacilina, ...
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Disease relevance of Flucloxacillin


High impact information on Flucloxacillin

  • INTERVENTION: Initial debridement and 2-week intravenous course of flucloxacillin or vancomycin with rifampin or placebo, followed by either ciprofloxacin-rifampin or ciprofloxacin-placebo long-term therapy [5].
  • However, encapsulation of flucloxacillin into liposomes could enable its entrance into the interior of neutrophils from two CGD patients to kill phagocytized bacteria there [6].
  • Commonly used antibiotics like flucloxacillin are of limited therapeutic value, because the staphylococci are protected against their action in the interior of phagocytes [6].
  • Minimum bacteriocidal concentrations of cloxacillin, flucloxacillin, cephalothin, and cephazolin in serum were much higher than conventional minimum inhibitory concentrations in the absence of serum [7].
  • 3. Moreover, flucloxacillin-specific T cell clones could be generated from peripheral blood, they expressed CD4 and the alphabeta-T cell receptor, and showed a heterogeneous cytokine secretion pattern with no clear commitment to either a Th1- or Th2-type response [8].

Chemical compound and disease context of Flucloxacillin


Biological context of Flucloxacillin


Anatomical context of Flucloxacillin


Associations of Flucloxacillin with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Flucloxacillin


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Flucloxacillin


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