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Gene Review

NR1I2  -  nuclear receptor subfamily 1, group I,...

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: BXR, Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group I member 2, ONR1, Orphan nuclear receptor PAR1, Orphan nuclear receptor PXR, ...
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Disease relevance of NR1I2


Psychiatry related information on NR1I2


High impact information on NR1I2


Chemical compound and disease context of NR1I2


Biological context of NR1I2


Anatomical context of NR1I2

  • We have examined the relationship between MDR1 and PXR mRNA in peripheral blood cells and demonstrate a significant correlation in 18 volunteers (R2=0.4; P<0.005) [21].
  • By contrast, parallel experiments in HepG2 cell lines co-transfected with an hPXR expression vector did not show increased reporter activity [22].
  • This is the first demonstration of the ability of blood-brain barrier PXR to alter the efficacy of a CNS-acting drug [20].
  • P-glycoprotein expression and transport activity in brain capillaries from transgenic mice was significantly increased when capillaries were exposed to the hPXR ligands, rifampin and hyperforin, in vitro and when the mice were dosed with rifampin in vivo [20].
  • Expression levels of nuclear receptors revealed high expression of PXR only in LS180 cells and exclusive expression of GR in Caco-2 cells [23].

Associations of NR1I2 with chemical compounds

  • Our results suggest that CAR, like PXR, is a steroid receptor that is capable of recognizing structurally diverse compounds [24].
  • The dexamethasone- and pregnenolone 16alpha-carbonitrile-dependent induction of MRP2 expression was not evident in hepatocytes derived from PXR null mice [25].
  • In contrast, induction of MRP2 by phenobarbital, an activator of CAR, was comparable in wild-type and PXR null mice [25].
  • Similarly, the PXR activator clotrimazole is a potent deactivator of hCAR [24].
  • In contrast, the CAR deactivator androstanol activates both mouse and human PXR [24].
  • This review is focused on recent observations showing that activation of CAR and PXR alters lipid metabolism, glucose homeostasis, and inflammation by interfering with HNF4alpha, FoxO1, FoxA2, PGC1alpha, or NFkB p65 [26].

Physical interactions of NR1I2

  • Electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) with a CYP3A4 ER6 probe demonstrated that relatively high molecular weight complex containing pregnane X receptor (PXR)/retinoid X receptor alpha(RXR alpha), compared with that in the monolayer culture, is possibly generated in the RFB culture of FLC-5 treated with rifampicin [27].
  • Chromatin immunoprecipitation assay revealed that PXR and PGC-1alpha bind to CYP2A6 chromatin [28].
  • These studies strongly support the hypothesis that there is cross talk between distal CAR/PXR sites and HNF4alpha binding sites in the CYP2C9 promoter and that the HNF4alpha sites are required for maximal induction of the CYP2C9 promoter [29].
  • We demonstrated that PXR binds to and transactivates the 2 proximal vitamin D-responsive elements of the human CYP24 promoter [4].
  • We present the 2.0A crystal structure of the human PXR ligand-binding domain (LBD) in complex with the cholesterol-lowering compound SR12813 and a 25 amino acid residue fragment of the human steroid receptor coactivator-1 (SRC-1) containing one LXXLL motif [30].

Regulatory relationships of NR1I2

  • Taken together, these observations demonstrate that the CYP2B6 gene is directly regulated by PXR and further establish this receptor as a key regulator of drug-metabolizing P450s [31].
  • The pregnane X receptor (PXR)/steroid and xenobiotic receptor (SXR) transcriptionally activates cytochrome P4503A4 (CYP3A4) when ligand activated by endobiotics and xenobiotics [32].
  • In conclusion, we found that CYP2A6 is induced via PXR and PGC-1alpha through the DR4-like element at the distal response region [28].
  • The objective of this study is to elucidate the mechanism by which PXR inhibits CYP7A1 gene transcription [33].
  • Overall, our novel findings indicate the upregulation of CYP1B1 by ATRA in HL-60 human promyelocytic leukemic cells shown for the first time to express PXR but not CAR mRNA [34].

Other interactions of NR1I2


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of NR1I2


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