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Chemical Compound Review

ZINC PHOSPHATE CEMENT     trizinc diphosphate

Synonyms: Delaphos, ZP-DL, ZP-SB, Bonderite 40, Granodine 80, ...
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Disease relevance of ZINC PHOSPHATE CEMENT


Psychiatry related information on ZINC PHOSPHATE CEMENT


High impact information on ZINC PHOSPHATE CEMENT

  • Purification of the low-salt extract by protamine precipitation, elution with sodium succinate, and phosphocellulose chromatography yields a preparation of RNA polymerase (RNAP) with hybrid properties, combining the salt optimum of Form I, diethylaminoethyl-Sephadex elution pattern of form II, and alpha-amanitin sensitivity of Form III [7].
  • Kinetics of sodium succinate cotransport across renal brush-border membranes [8].
  • RESULTS: Mercaptoethylguanidine sodium succinate and FeTPPS largely prevented the accumulation of peroxynitrite as measured by plasma rhodamine fluorescence and heart nitrotyrosine staining [9].
  • Interestingly, MEG sodium succinate and FeTPPS improved endotoxin-induced myocardial contractile dysfunction, which was associated with reduced degradation of nuclear factor kappa B inhibitory protein I-kappa-B, plasma TNF-alpha levels, and microvascular endothelial cell-leukocyte activation [9].
  • Treatment should include pericardectomy and immediate use of both ampicillin sodium and chloramphenicol sodium succinate, until the sensitivity of the organism is known [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of ZINC PHOSPHATE CEMENT


Biological context of ZINC PHOSPHATE CEMENT


Anatomical context of ZINC PHOSPHATE CEMENT


Associations of ZINC PHOSPHATE CEMENT with other chemical compounds




Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of ZINC PHOSPHATE CEMENT


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