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Recovery of Function

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Disease relevance of Recovery of Function


High impact information on Recovery of Function

  • When administered throughout the 10 O-R cycles, the .OH scavenger mercaptopropionyl glycine significantly enhanced the recovery of function (group I) and markedly suppressed the formation of free radicals (group VII) [6].
  • MLCK inhibition also delayed barrier function recovery [7].
  • RESULTS: Application of PGE 2 to ischemia-injured ileal mucosa stimulated increases in Isc, an indicator of Cl - secretion, that was followed by marked increases in TER, an indicator of barrier function recovery [8].
  • A lower peak level of creatine kinase, an estimate of the extent of necrosis, is independently predictive of recovery of function [9].
  • There was marked regression in nodule size, marked reduction of nodular autonomous secretory activity (indicated by a change from a blunted to a normal response to thyrotropin-releasing hormone), and spontaneous recovery of function in the previously suppressed extranodular thyroid tissue [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Recovery of Function


Biological context of Recovery of Function


Anatomical context of Recovery of Function

  • CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that although both reversible and mild-to-moderate irreversible thallium defects after stress retain viable myocardium, the identification of reversible thallium defect on stress in an asynergic region more accurately predicts recovery of function after revascularization [21].
  • Viability also was assessed by dobutamine echo and recovery of function after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) [22].
  • Morphologic analysis revealed that, after disassembly of cell-cell junctions, anti-JAM inhibition of barrier function recovery correlated with a loss of both occludin and JAM, but not ZO-1, in reassembling tight junction structure [23].
  • On a per cell basis, nearly total recovery of function can be demonstrated for lymphocyte transformation (mitogens, antigens and MLC) and rosette-forming cells [24].
  • In adult p75 (-/-) mice, functional recovery of whiskers movement following a facial nerve crush occurred slightly earlier than in p75 (+/+) mice, and some recovery of function over a 25-day interval following a nerve cut occurred more frequently in p75 (-/-) mice [25].

Associations of Recovery of Function with chemical compounds

  • We have shown that acadesine (AICAr: 5-amino-4-imidazole carboxamide riboside) improves the early recovery of function of the ischemic and reperfused rat heart [26].
  • Under these conditions, Nai rose to 64 or 102 mumol/g dry wt, 45Ca2+ uptake increased to 4.4 or 9.4 mumol/g dry wt, and recovery of function was poor [27].
  • Despite pretreatment with adenosine, the recovery of function in group V was indistinguishable from that in the control group [28].
  • For example, it has been suggested that presynaptic adaptations may not be sufficient to account for recovery of function, because compensatory increases in DA biosynthesis, metabolism, and release are maximal within 3 d following a unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) lesion, before behavioral recovery is complete [29].
  • We propose that changes in GABA activity may be instrumented to modulate plasticity purposefully; for instance, to enhance plastic change and recovery of function after a lesion in neurological patients [30].

Gene context of Recovery of Function

  • Differential effects of the mutations on whisking were found: recovery of function was worse in TNC-deficient and better in TNR null mice compared with wild-type littermates [31].
  • The data suggest that MCP-1/CCR2 plays a role in the regeneration and recovery of function after traumatic muscle injury [32].
  • The elucidation of the functions of telomerase activity and TERT in neuronal differentiation and survival may lead to novel approaches for preventing neuronal death and promoting recovery of function in various neurodegenerative conditions [33].
  • Adenoviral GDNF gene transfer may thus promote laryngeal function recovery after RLN injury [34].
  • PURPOSE: We investigated the effects of recombinant human (rh) erythropoietin (EPO) on erectile function recovery in a rat model of cavernous nerve (CN) injury [35].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Recovery of Function


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