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Chemical Compound Review

Astaxanthin     (6S)-6-hydroxy-3-[18-[(4S)-4- hydroxy-2,6,6...

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Disease relevance of Astaxanthin

  • Escherichia coli strains expressing the marine bacteria (Agrobacterium aurantiacum and Alcaligenes sp. strain PC-1) astaxanthin biosynthetic genes (crtZ and W), Haematococcus pluvialis bkt, and Erwinia uredovora crtZ genes were used for in vitro characterization of the respective enzymes [1].
  • At 2 weeks postinoculation mice were treated orally once daily for 10 days (i) with different doses of algal meal rich in astaxanthin (0.4, 2, and 4 g/kg of body weight, with the astaxanthin content at 10, 50, and 100 mg/kg, respectively), (ii) with a control meal (algal meal without astaxanthin, 4 g/kg), or (iii) with vitamin C (400 mg/kg) [2].
  • The E. coli transformants produced 400 microg astaxanthin per gram of dry cell weight [3].
  • In a previous study, we isolated and characterized a marine bacterium, Paracoccus haeundaensis, which produces carotenoids, mainly astaxanthin [3].
  • We succeeded in isolating a novel cDNA involved in astaxanthin biosynthesis from the green alga Haematococcus pluvialis, by an expression cloning method using an Escherichia coli transformant as a host that synthesizes beta-carotene due to the Erwinia uredovora carotenoid biosynthesis genes [4].

Psychiatry related information on Astaxanthin


High impact information on Astaxanthin


Chemical compound and disease context of Astaxanthin


Biological context of Astaxanthin


Anatomical context of Astaxanthin

  • Astaxanthin diminishes gap junctional intercellular communication in primary human fibroblasts [17].
  • All lesions in the astaxanthin-treated rabbits were classified as early plaques according to the distribution of collagen and smooth muscle cells [12].
  • The strain E-396T, isolated from soil, was Gram-negative, aerobic, orange-pigmented, rod-shaped, motile by peritrichous flagella and astaxanthin-producing [19].
  • Concentrations of all-E-, 9Z- and 13Z- geometrical and (3R,3'R), (3R, 3'S) and (3S,3'S) optical isomers of astaxanthin were determined in rainbow trout liver, gut tissues, kidney, skin and blood plasma to evaluate their body distribution [20].
  • In the thoracic aorta, the atherosclerotic area was 80.7+/-5.1%, 67.1+/-6.7% (P=0.13) and 75.2+/-5.7% (P=0.49) in the control, alpha-tocopherol and astaxanthin groups, respectively [21].

Associations of Astaxanthin with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Astaxanthin


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Astaxanthin


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