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Disease relevance of Stereoisomerism


Psychiatry related information on Stereoisomerism


High impact information on Stereoisomerism


Chemical compound and disease context of Stereoisomerism


Biological context of Stereoisomerism


Anatomical context of Stereoisomerism


Associations of Stereoisomerism with chemical compounds

  • In contrast, the racemic mixture of 5R,12R- and 5S,12S-6,10-trans,8,14-cis, the racemic mixture of 5S,12R- and 5R,12S-6,10-trans,8,14-cis, the 5S,12R-6,8-trans,10,14-cis, the 5S,12R-6,8,10-trans,14-cis, and the 5S,12S-6,8,10-trans,14-cis stereoisomers required concentrations of 3 X 10(-7) to 1 X 10(-6) M to elicit comparable responses [24].
  • Priming for enhanced stimulated O2- release, and morphologic and enzymic changes, were not achieved by injection of the D-D stereoisomer of MDP [29].
  • In contrast, d-verapamil, a stereoisomer which does not block calcium channels, did not inhibit the serotonin-induced changes [30].
  • 17alpha-estradiol (an inactive E2 stereoisomer) had no effect [31].
  • The results indicated that fresh, green, leafy vegetables were moderately high in beta carotene (0.5-14.6 mg/100 g) and very high in oxygenated carotenoids or xanthophylls, primarily lutein and its stereoisomers (2.3-63.0 mg/100g) [corrected] [32].

Gene context of Stereoisomerism


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Stereoisomerism


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