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Chemical Compound Review

DOCEBENONE     2-(12-hydroxydodeca-5,10- diynyl)-3,5,6...

Synonyms: Docebenona, Docebenonum, Lopac-A-3711, CHEMBL304818, SureCN522781, ...
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Disease relevance of DOCEBENONE


High impact information on DOCEBENONE


Chemical compound and disease context of DOCEBENONE


Biological context of DOCEBENONE


Anatomical context of DOCEBENONE

  • 5. The lipoxygenase inhibitor AA-861 failed to influence the ability of eosinophils to augment the transmembrane flux of albumin [17].
  • The effects of a putatively specific 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor, 2(12-hydroxydodeca-5,10-dinyl)-3,5,6-trimethyl-1,4-benzoquin one (AA-861), and its major metabolite, M-I, were assessed using anti-IgE activated human basophils, lung mast cells and skin mast cells [18].
  • In terms of functional aspects, the supernatant of sPLA(2)-IB-stimulated human neutrophils caused chemotactic migration, which was almost completely inhibited by preincubating these cells with three different 5-lipoxygenase inhibitors (MK-886, AA-861, or NDGA) [19].
  • To obtain additional information on the mechanisms responsible for anaphylactic release of tachykinins in guinea pig trachea, we examined the effects of phosphoramidon, an inhibitor of neutral endopeptidase, on contractile response to antigen after preincubation with the selective 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor AA-861 [20].
  • Both of the edemas were suppressed by pretreatment with mepyramine, methysergide, PAF-antagonists, or dexamethasone, and the latter suppressed by the lipoxygenase inhibitor AA-861, suggesting that histamine, serotonin, PAF, and leukotrienes are involved in exudate formation in these edemas [21].

Associations of DOCEBENONE with other chemical compounds


Gene context of DOCEBENONE


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of DOCEBENONE

  • No significant differences were observed in regional CBF in the AA-861- and vehicle-pretreated gerbils during reperfusion [9].
  • The animals were divided into three groups: control group; administered AA-861 in a single dose of 30 mg/kg; and administered AA-861 in a single dose of 60 mg/kg [29].
  • Premedication with AA-861, a lipoxygenase inhibitor, decreased dose-dependently peptide LT contents 1 hr after HCl administration [30].
  • An analysis of the anaphylactic diffusate from the human lung fragments, using the combined technique of high performance liquid chromatography and radioimmunoassay, revealed that AA-861 markedly suppresses biosynthesis of the leukotrienes [10].


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