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Chemical Compound Review

AGN-PC-00Q48W     4-(7-hydroxychroman-3-yl)-2- methoxy...

Synonyms: AC1NS0BY
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Disease relevance of Isoflavonoid

  • Activation of the cell cycle machinery and the isoflavonoid biosynthesis pathway by active Rhizobium meliloti Nod signal molecules in Medicago microcallus suspensions [1].
  • Genistein, a natural isoflavonoid found in soybean products, has been proposed to be associated with a lower rate of breast cancer in Asian women [2].
  • Thus, isoflavonoid-induced inhibition of bone resorption may contribute to the low risk of osteoporosis in Asian women [3].
  • Isoflavones are synthesized by 1,2-elimination of water from 2-hydroxyisoflavanones, the first intermediate with the isoflavonoid skeleton, but details of this dehydration have been unclear [4].
  • According to our measurements, with adjustment for body weight, isoflavonoid exposure is 4-6 times higher in infants fed soy-based formula than in adults eating a diet rich in soyfoods (approximately 30 g/d) [5].

Psychiatry related information on Isoflavonoid

  • All three isoflavonoid compounds were effective in suppressing voluntary alcohol consumption by the P rats [6].
  • Effects of the estrogenic plant isoflavonoid coumestrol (COUM) on locomotor activity and fear-related behaviors in both the absence and the presence of estradiol benzoate (EB) were examined in adult ovariectomized Swiss-Webster mice [7].

High impact information on Isoflavonoid


Chemical compound and disease context of Isoflavonoid


Biological context of Isoflavonoid


Anatomical context of Isoflavonoid


Associations of Isoflavonoid with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Isoflavonoid


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Isoflavonoid

  • Furthermore, protein gel blot analysis and confocal microscopy of a transiently expressed IOMT-green fluorescent protein fusion in alfalfa leaves show that the operationally soluble IOMT localizes to endomembranes after elicitation of the isoflavonoid pathway [37].
  • The phytoestrogenic isoflavonoid equol is known to protect against solar-simulated UV radiation-induced inflammation, immunosuppression, and skin carcinogenesis [38].
  • Capillary electrophoresis was examined as an alternative to current high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) methods to generate isoflavonoid profiles [39].
  • Soy isoflavonoids have well-established estrogenic properties in cell culture and rodent models, raising concerns that high isoflavonoid intake may promote development of uterine and breast cancers [40].
  • HPLC analysis of isoflavonoid-derived metabolites of the phenylpropanoid pathway revealed similar total constitutive levels, but varying relative proportions and types, in roots of the resistant and susceptible plants [41].


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