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Gene Review

Actvty1  -  activity 1

Mus musculus

Synonyms: Act-1
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Disease relevance of Actvty1

  • METHODS: Activity of IL-18 was neutralized using recombinant human IL-18 binding protein isoform a (rhIL-18BPa) in trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS)-induced colitis [1].
  • A Small Interfering CD147-Targeting RNA Inhibited the Proliferation, Invasiveness, and Metastatic Activity of Malignant Melanoma [2].
  • Clomesone exhibited significant antitumor activity against the murine L1210 leukemia implanted i.p., s.c., and intracerebrally (i.c.). Activity against s.c.-implanted tumor was largely independent of schedule and route of administration [3].
  • Mast Cell-Mediated Remodeling and Fibrinolytic Activity Protect against Fatal Glomerulonephritis [4].
  • Matrix Metalloproteinase 9 Activity Enhances Host Susceptibility to Pulmonary Infection with Type A and B Strains of Francisella tularensis [5].

Psychiatry related information on Actvty1


High impact information on Actvty1


Chemical compound and disease context of Actvty1


Biological context of Actvty1


Anatomical context of Actvty1


Associations of Actvty1 with chemical compounds

  • The regulatory factor Differentiation Inhibiting Activity/Leukaemia Inhibitory Factor (DIA/LIF) suppresses the differentiation of cultured embryonic stem (ES) cells [28].
  • Peptides Derived from the C2 Domain of Protein Kinase C{epsilon} ({epsilon}PKC) Modulate {epsilon}PKC Activity and Identify Potential Protein-Protein Interaction Surfaces [29].
  • The Role of the C-terminal Domain of Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase-1B in Phosphatase Activity and Substrate Binding [30].
  • Modulation of p38 Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Cascade and Metalloproteinase Activity in Diaphragm Muscle in Response to Free Radical Scavenger Administration in Dystrophin-Deficient Mdx Mice [31].
  • Mouse Ornithine Decarboxylase-like Gene Encodes an Antizyme Inhibitor Devoid of Ornithine and Arginine Decarboxylating Activity [32].

Other interactions of Actvty1


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Actvty1


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