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Gene Review

CCND2  -  cyclin D2

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: G1/S-specific cyclin-D2, KIAK0002, MPPH3
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Disease relevance of CCND2


High impact information on CCND2

  • Introduction of cyclin D2 and Rb into the Rb-deficient cell line SAOS-2 led to overt Rb hyperphosphorylation, whereas Rb, expressed alone or together with cyclin D1, remained unphosphorylated [6].
  • Cyclin D2-dependent phosphorylation inhibited its binding to the transcription factor E2F and reversed the Rb G1 exit block in the cell cycle [6].
  • Cyclin D2-deficient females are sterile owing to the inability of ovarian granulosa cells to proliferate normally in response to follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), whereas mutant males display hypoplastic testes [7].
  • Cyclin D2 is an FSH-responsive gene involved in gonadal cell proliferation and oncogenesis [7].
  • To investigate why mammalian cells need three distinct D-type cyclins, we have generated mice bearing a disrupted cyclin D2 gene by using gene targeting in embryonic stem cells [7].

Chemical compound and disease context of CCND2


Biological context of CCND2


Anatomical context of CCND2

  • In order to evaluate dysregulation in T-ALL with respect to normal T-cell differentiation, we analyzed CCND2 expression in normal purified human thymic subpopulations [5].
  • Among the candidate amplified genes mapped to 12p, expression of the cyclin D2 gene (CCND2) was deregulated in a panel of GCT cell lines, with the relative level of steady-state mRNA and protein inversely correlated with the pattern of differentiation characteristic of the cell line [17].
  • The results indicate that each growth factor involves a separate mechanism to maintain an effective level of CCND2 in granulosa cells for the activation of CDK4 and induction of DNA synthesis [18].
  • In myeloid cell lines, the levels of cyclin D1 expression varied and never exceeded the sum of cyclin D2 and D3 levels [19].
  • Therefore, cyclin D2 preferentially activated Cdk2 in breast epithelial cells [20].

Associations of CCND2 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of CCND2

  • FSH stimulation results in the formation and activation of the cyclin D2/CDK4 complex leading to DNA synthesis [25].
  • Mutation of the CREB-binding site reduced cyclin D2 promoter activity 5-10-fold [26].

Enzymatic interactions of CCND2

  • GSK3beta and p38 was demonstrated to phosphorylate cyclin D2 on Thr280 in vitro, while a cyclin D2 mutant with this residue substituted with Ala was found to be resistant to ubiquitination and proteasome-dependent degradation in 32Dcl3 cells [27].

Regulatory relationships of CCND2


Other interactions of CCND2

  • Adenomas showed elevated expression of cyclin D1 and pRB, frequent induction of cyclin D2, and absence of p16 [32].
  • In addition, the cyclin D2 partner CDK4 was increased in 41% (21 of 51) of all tumors by a factor of 6, most strongly in embryonal carcinomas [33].
  • Some genes important in the control of the G(1)-S cell cycle checkpoint G(1)-S, i.e., cyclin-dependent kinases 2 and 4, cyclin D2 are located on this chromosomal region [33].
  • Survival curves showed CCND2 (especially cytoplasmic staining) and CDK4 positivity to be associated with a poor prognosis and CCNE positivity with a better prognosis [34].
  • Although the high preoperative serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) group did not have significantly greater methylation frequency, methylation of Cyclin D2 had higher mean PSA value [35].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of CCND2


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