Chemical Compound Review:
AG-G-10149 hydroxymethylimino-methyl- oxido-azanium
AC1L1XLP, CTK5A9432, 590-96-5, hydroxymethylimino-methyl-oxidoazanium, Methanol,1-(2-methyl-2-oxidodiazenyl)-
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- Induction of colon tumors in 1,2-dimethylhydrazine-resistant Lobund Wistar rats by methylazoxymethanol acetate. Pollard, M., Zedeck, M.S. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. (1978)
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- Frequent mutations of the rat beta-catenin gene in colon cancers induced by methylazoxymethanol acetate plus 1-hydroxyanthraquinone. Suzui, M., Ushijima, T., Dashwood, R.H., Yoshimi, N., Sugimura, T., Mori, H., Nagao, M. Mol. Carcinog. (1999)
- Fetal methylazoxymethanol acetate-induced lesions cause reductions in dopamine receptor-mediated catalepsy and stereotypy. Sanberg, P.R., Pevsner, J., Autuono, P.G., Coyle, J.T. Neuropharmacology (1985)
- Apoptosis (cell death) induced in mouse bowel by 1,2-dimethylhydrazine, methylazoxymethanol acetate, and gamma-rays. Ijiri, K. Cancer Res. (1989)
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- Methylazoxymethanol acetate-induced apoptosis in the external granule cell layer of the developing cerebellum of the rat is associated with strong c-Jun expression and formation of high molecular weight c-Jun complexes. Ferrer, I., Pozas, E., Marti, M., Blanco, R., Planas, A.M. J. Neuropathol. Exp. Neurol. (1997)
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- Inhibitory effect of magnesium hydroxide on methylazoxymethanol acetate-induced large bowel carcinogenesis in male F344 rats. Tanaka, T., Shinoda, T., Yoshimi, N., Niwa, K., Iwata, H., Mori, H. Carcinogenesis (1989)
- No involvement of APC gene mutations in ulcerative colitis-associated rat colon carcinogenesis induced by 1-hydroxyanthraquinone and methylazoxymethanol acetate. Suzui, M., Ushijima, T., Yoshimi, N., Nakagama, H., Hara, A., Sugimura, T., Nagao, M., Mori, H. Mol. Carcinog. (1997)
- Bcl-2 and Bax expression following methylazoxymethanol acetate-induced apoptosis in the external granule cell layer of the developing rat cerebellum. López, E., Pozas, E., Rivera, R., Ferrer, I. Brain Res. Dev. Brain Res. (1999)
- Increased amniotic vasopressin levels in experimentally growth-retarded rat fetuses. Oosterbaan, H.P., Swaab, D.F., Boer, G.J. J. Dev. Physiol. (1985)
- Non-alcohol dehydrogenase-mediated metabolism of methylazoxymethanol in the deer mouse, Peromyscus maniculatus. Fiala, E.S., Caswell, N., Sohn, O.S., Felder, M.R., McCoy, G.D., Weisburger, J.H. Cancer Res. (1984)
- Effect of colostomy on intestinal carcinogenesis by methylazoxymethanol acetate in rats. Matsubara, N., Mori, H., Hirono, I. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. (1978)
- Increased secretion of the amino-terminal fragment of amyloid precursor protein in brains of rats with a constitutive up-regulation of protein kinase C. Caputi, A., Barindelli, S., Pastorino, L., Cimino, M., Buxbaum, J.D., Cattabeni, F., Di Luca, M. J. Neurochem. (1997)
- Alteration of mouse cerebellar circuits following methylazoxymethanol treatment during development: immunohistochemistry of GABAergic elements and electron microscopic study. de Barry, J., Gombos, G., Klupp, T., Hamori, J. J. Comp. Neurol. (1987)