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Gene Review

Cdk1  -  cyclin-dependent kinase 1

Rattus norvegicus

Synonyms: CDK1, Cdc2, Cdc2a, Cdkn1, Cell division control protein 2 homolog, ...
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Disease relevance of Cdc2a


High impact information on Cdc2a

  • Vertebrate eggs are arrested at metaphase of meiosis II with stable cyclin B and high cyclin B/Cdc2 kinase activity [6].
  • Although p21, an inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) that is induced by DNA damage may partly account for the arrest in G1 (ref. 1), the mechanism is little understood [7].
  • Here we show that when a constitutively active mutant of calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaM KII) is added to a CSF extract, cyclin degradation and Cdc2 kinase inactivation occur even in the absence of Ca2+, and the extract loses its ability to cause metaphase arrest when transferred into embryos [8].
  • Finally, the direct microinjection of constitutively active CaM KII into unfertilized eggs inactivates Cdc2 kinase and CSF, even in the absence of a Ca2+ transient [8].
  • Expression of dominant-negative mutants of cdk5 (cdk5N144 and cdk5T33) inhibited neurite outgrowth, which was rescued by coexpression of the wild-type proteins [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of Cdc2a


Biological context of Cdc2a


Anatomical context of Cdc2a


Associations of Cdc2a with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of Cdc2a


Regulatory relationships of Cdc2a


Other interactions of Cdc2a


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Cdc2a

  • To characterize this growth arrest, we examined the activity of cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) 2 in unexposed liver and in AAF-exposed liver after growth induction by partial hepatectomy (PH) [38].
  • The cell cycle regulatory enzyme, cdk (cyclin-dependent kinase) 2 kinase, is activated in the rat carotid artery after balloon angioplasty injury, and may mediate smooth muscle proliferation [39].
  • We determined whether CDK activation occurs in mature adult neurons during focal stroke in vivo and whether this signal was required for neuronal death after reperfusion injury [40].
  • Western blot analysis showed that the amount of Cdc2 increased when either rat kidney fibroblasscr2 or scr3 was introduced into the cdc2-L7 and cdc13-117 mutant cells of S.pombe [41].
  • Immunohistochemistry of formalin-fixed liver demonstrated a cytosolic localization of immunoreactive CDK1 and nuclear localization of immunoreactive PCNA in proliferating cells of WY14,643-treated rat livers [42].


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