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Gene Review

SLC2A3  -  solute carrier family 2 (facilitated...

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: GLUT-3, GLUT3, Glucose transporter type 3, brain, Solute carrier family 2, facilitated glucose transporter member 3
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Disease relevance of SLC2A3


Psychiatry related information on SLC2A3


High impact information on SLC2A3


Chemical compound and disease context of SLC2A3


Biological context of SLC2A3

  • METHODS: The transport of L-(14)C-DHA in human chondrocytes was analyzed under various conditions, including the use of RNA interference (RNAi), to determine the role of glucose transporter 1 (GLUT-1) and GLUT-3 in L-14C-DHA transport and to evaluate the effects of physiologically relevant oxygen tensions on L-14C-DHA transport [10].
  • The region of facilitative glucose transporter nucleotide sequence homology in the GLUT6 transcript may have arisen by insertion of a reverse-transcribed GLUT3 transcript into the untranslated region of another gene [11].
  • Inspection of the predicted amino acid sequence of this region reveals that GLUTs 1, 3, and 4 (high-affinity glucose transporters) contain a conserved QLS motif in this helix (residues 277-279 in human GLUT3) [12].
  • The liver-type (GLUT2) and brain-type (GLUT3) human facilitative glucose transporters exhibit distinct kinetics (Km values for deoxyglucose transport of approximately 11 mM and approximately 1.5 mM, respectively) and patterns of substrate transport (GLUT2 is capable of D-fructose transport, while GLUT3 is not) [12].
  • Our results show that GLUT-1, GLUT-3, and GLUT-4 seem to be of importance during muscle fiber growth and development [13].

Anatomical context of SLC2A3


Associations of SLC2A3 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of SLC2A3

  • Progesterone produced a small increase in transport at the Km corresponding to GLUT1/4, and combined 17beta-estradiol and progesterone produced a small increase in transport at the Km corresponding to GLUT3 and a large increase in transport at the Km corresponding to GLUT1/4 [22].
  • Moreover, D-glucose and maltose competitively inhibit fructose transport by GLUT2 and galactose transport by GLUT3, indicating that the transport of the alternative substrates for these transporters is likely to be mediated by the same outward-facing sugar-binding site used by glucose [23].

Co-localisations of SLC2A3


Regulatory relationships of SLC2A3

  • Recent studies have shown that GLUT1 and GLUT3 are both expressed in chondrocytes and their HIF-1alpha-mediated transcription may be dually stimulated in response to hypoxia and low glucose conditions which in turn promote anaerobic glycolysis in favor of oxidative phosphorylation [1].
  • To determine if the functional unit of the glucose transporter was a monomer or higher-order multimer, the high-affinity transporter GLUT3 was coexpressed with either the low-affinity GLUT2 or a GLUT3 mutant which contained a transport inactivating Trp410-->Leu substitution [25].
  • Our data suggest that GLUT 3 may regulate myogenesis by modulating the levels of signal transducers required for expression of myogenin and muscle-specific contractile protein genes [26].

Other interactions of SLC2A3

  • Based on the RNAi results, GLUT-1 mediated, at least in part, the uptake of DHA, whereas GLUT-3 had a minimal effect on DHA transport [10].
  • The agonist-mediated stimulation in glucose uptake was attributable to an increase in the plasma membrane content of GLUT1, GLUT3, and GLUT4 [27].
  • The sequence of a partial-length GLUT6 cDNA having an insert of 3.4 kilobase pairs revealed a region of 1.5 kilobase pairs that has 79.6% identity with the human brain/GLUT3 facilitative glucose transporter cDNA [11].
  • GLUT 5 mRNA was expressed in 2-fold greater abundance in macrophages and foam cells than that observed for GLUT 1 mRNA, while the level of GLUT 3 mRNA was intermediate.This facilitative glucose transporters are differentially expressed and regulated in human leukocytes in a pattern that could facilitate cellular functions [21].
  • Western blotting demonstrated IRS-1, IRS-2 and GLUT-3 proteins in the human testis [28].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of SLC2A3


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