MeSH Review:
Food, Formulated
- Chronic intermittent elemental diet improves growth failure in children with Crohn's disease. Belli, D.C., Seidman, E., Bouthillier, L., Weber, A.M., Roy, C.C., Pletincx, M., Beaulieu, M., Morin, C.L. Gastroenterology (1988)
- The effects of Lactobacillus strains and oat fiber on methotrexate-induced enterocolitis in rats. Mao, Y., Nobaek, S., Kasravi, B., Adawi, D., Stenram, U., Molin, G., Jeppsson, B. Gastroenterology (1996)
- Alteration of methotrexate toxicity in rats by manipulation of dietary components. McAnena, O.J., Harvey, L.P., Bonau, R.A., Daly, J.M. Gastroenterology (1987)
- Prophylactic effect of dietary glutamine supplementation on interleukin 8 and tumour necrosis factor alpha production in trinitrobenzene sulphonic acid induced colitis. Ameho, C.K., Adjei, A.A., Harrison, E.K., Takeshita, K., Morioka, T., Arakaki, Y., Ito, E., Suzuki, I., Kulkarni, A.D., Kawajiri, A., Yamamoto, S. Gut (1997)
- Protection from radiation injury by elemental diet: does added glutamine change the effect? McArdle, A.H. Gut (1994)
- Altered dietary nutrient intake maintains metabolic homeostasis in parasitized larvae of the insect Manduca sexta L. Thompson, S.N., Redak, R.A., Wang, L.W. J. Exp. Biol. (2001)
- Effects of enteral infusion of hypertonic saline and nutrients on canine jejunal motor patterns. Schmid, H.R., Ehrlein, H.J. Dig. Dis. Sci. (1993)
- Coprophagia in an elderly man: a case report and review of the literature. Beck, D.A., Frohberg, N.R. International journal of psychiatry in medicine. (2005)
- Increased ureagenesis and impaired nitrogen use during infusion of a synthetic amino acid formula: a controlled trial. Smith, J.L., Arteaga, C., Heymsfield, S.B. N. Engl. J. Med. (1982)
- Dietary regulation of rat intestinal cholecystokinin gene expression. Liddle, R.A., Carter, J.D., McDonald, A.R. J. Clin. Invest. (1988)
- Effect of a chemically defined diet in liquid form on colon carcinogenesis in rats. Tatsuta, M., Yamamura, H., Iishi, H., Ichii, M., Noguchi, S., Baba, M., Taniguchi, H. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. (1985)
- Formation of methylnitrosocyanamide from methylguanidine and sodium nitrite in simulated gastric juice and in stomachs of rats: quantitative estimation by a mutagenicity assay. Ishizawa, M., Utsunomiya, T., Kinoshita, N., Endo, H. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. (1979)
- Effect of luminal growth factor preservation on intestinal growth. Playford, R.J., Woodman, A.C., Clark, P., Watanapa, P., Vesey, D., Deprez, P.H., Williamson, R.C., Calam, J. Lancet (1993)
- Initial response and subsequent course of Crohn's disease treated with elemental diet or prednisolone. Gorard, D.A., Hunt, J.B., Payne-James, J.J., Palmer, K.R., Rees, R.G., Clark, M.L., Farthing, M.J., Misiewicz, J.J., Silk, D.B. Gut (1993)
- Improvement of abnormal lactulose/rhamnose permeability in active Crohn's disease of the small bowel by an elemental diet. Sanderson, I.R., Boulton, P., Menzies, I., Walker-Smith, J.A. Gut (1987)
- A randomized controlled study comparing elemental diet and steroid treatment in Crohn's disease. Zoli, G., Carè, M., Parazza, M., Spanò, C., Biagi, P.L., Bernardi, M., Gasbarrini, G. Aliment. Pharmacol. Ther. (1997)
- Familial Crohn's disease with systemic lupus erythematosus. Nishida, Y., Murase, K., Ashida, R., Sasaki, O., Ozono, Y., Mizuta, Y., Takeshima, F., Makiyama, K., Kohno, S. Am. J. Gastroenterol. (1998)
- The effect of pectin on hepatic lipogenesis in the enterally-fed rat. Rolandelli, R.H., Koruda, M.J., Settle, R.G., Leskiw, M.J., Stein, T.P., Rombeau, J.L. J. Nutr. (1989)
- Secretory immunoglobulin A, intestinal mucin, and mucosal permeability in nutritionally induced bacterial translocation in rats. Spaeth, G., Gottwald, T., Specian, R.D., Mainous, M.R., Berg, R.D., Deitch, E.A. Ann. Surg. (1994)
- Pharmacokinetics of trimethylamine in rats, including the effects of a synthetic diet. Nnane, I.P., Damani, L.A. Xenobiotica (2001)
- Reversal of altered intestinal mucosal immunity in rats fed elemental diet by supplementation of oleic acid. Serizawa, H., Miura, S., Imaeda, H., Tanaka, S., Kimura, H., Tsuzuki, Y., Jing-Yang, H., Toda, K., Hamada, Y., Tsuchiya, M., Ishii, H. J. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. (1996)
- Use of a peptide rather than free amino acid nitrogen source in chemically defined "elemental" diets. Silk, D.B., Fairclough, P.D., Clark, M.L., Hegarty, J.E., Marrs, T.C., Addison, J.M., Burston, D., Clegg, K.M., Matthews, D.M. JPEN. Journal of parenteral and enteral nutrition. (1980)
- A histomorphometric comparison of bone in young growing rats fed an elemental diet versus a chemically defined polymeric diet. Lawson, P.T., Lovaglio, J., Liu, C.C., Lipkin, E.W. Journal of the American College of Nutrition. (1993)
- Influence of caffeine consumption on 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene-induced mammary gland tumorigenesis in female rats fed a chemically defined diet containing standard and high levels of unsaturated fat. Welsch, C.W., DeHoog, J.V. Cancer Res. (1988)
- Effects of an elemental diet, inert bulk and different types of dietary fibre on the response of the intestinal epithelium to refeeding in the rat and relationship to plasma gastrin, enteroglucagon, and PYY concentrations. Goodlad, R.A., Lenton, W., Ghatei, M.A., Adrian, T.E., Bloom, S.R., Wright, N.A. Gut (1987)
- Role of bombesin on gut mucosal growth. Chu, K.U., Evers, B.M., Ishizuka, J., Townsend, C.M., Thompson, J.C. Ann. Surg. (1995)
- Elemental diet and IV-TPN-induced bacterial translocation is associated with loss of intestinal mucosal barrier function against bacteria. Deitch, E.A., Xu, D., Naruhn, M.B., Deitch, D.C., Lu, Q., Marino, A.A. Ann. Surg. (1995)
- Effects of 'elemental' diets on absorptive and enzymic activities and on 5-fluorouracil toxicity in rat small intestine. Gardner, M.L., Heading, R.C. Clin. Sci. (1979)
- Fata eosinophilic enteritis. Tytgat, G.N., Grijm, R., Dekker, W., Den Hartog, N.A. Gastroenterology (1976)
- Pancreatobiliary responses to an intragastric amino acid meal: comparison to albumin, dextrose, and a maximal cholecystokinin stimulus. Fried, M., Jansen, J.B., Harpole, T., Taylor, I.L., Lamers, C.B., Reedy, T., Elashoff, J., Meyer, J.H. Gastroenterology (1989)
- Efficient incorporation of deuterated amino acids into quail egg white proteins for nuclear magnetic resonance studies. Brown-Mason, A., Dobson, C.M., Woodworth, R.C. J. Biol. Chem. (1981)
- Alteration of V beta usage and cytokine production of CD4+ TCR beta beta homodimer T cells by elimination of Bacteroides vulgatus prevents colitis in TCR alpha-chain-deficient mice. Kishi, D., Takahashi, I., Kai, Y., Tamagawa, H., Iijima, H., Obunai, S., Nezu, R., Ito, T., Matsuda, H., Kiyono, H. J. Immunol. (2000)
- Post-weaning diet affects genomic imprinting at the insulin-like growth factor 2 (Igf2) locus. Waterland, R.A., Lin, J.R., Smith, C.A., Jirtle, R.L. Hum. Mol. Genet. (2006)
- Regulation and localization of the insulin-like growth factor system in small bowel during altered nutrient status. Winesett, D.E., Ulshen, M.H., Hoyt, E.C., Mohapatra, N.K., Fuller, C.R., Lund, P.K. Am. J. Physiol. (1995)
- Effect of intrajejunal elemental diet perfusion on local secretion of soluble CD4 and CD8. Desreumaux, P., Levy, A., Vaerman, J.P., Capron, M., Cortot, A., Colombel, J.F. Clin. Exp. Immunol. (1996)
- Keratinocyte growth factor and epidermal growth factor can reverse the intestinal atrophy associated with elemental diets in mice. Sasaki, M., FitzGerald, A.J., Mandir, N., Berlanga-Acosta, J., Goodlad, R.A. Exp. Physiol. (2003)
- Release of cholecystokinin and exocrine pancreatic secretion in response to an elemental diet in human subjects. Watanabe, S., Shiratori, K., Takeuchi, T., Chey, W.Y., You, C.H., Chang, T.M. Dig. Dis. Sci. (1986)
- Identification of two cardiac glycosides as Na(+)-pump inhibitors in rat urine and diet. Tamura, M., Harris, T.M., Phillips, D., Blair, I.A., Wang, Y.F., Hellerqvist, C.G., Lam, S.K., Inagami, T. J. Biol. Chem. (1994)
- Role of nutritional intervention in patients treated with radiotherapy for pelvic malignancy. McGough, C., Baldwin, C., Frost, G., Andreyev, H.J. Br. J. Cancer (2004)
- Diet and gastrointestinal disease. Cerda, J.J. Med. Clin. North Am. (1993)
- Elemental diet alters macrophage function in mice. Shou, J., Redmond, H.P., Leon, P., Hofmann, K.P., Daly, J.M. J. Surg. Res. (1991)