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Drug Compounding

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Disease relevance of Drug Compounding


High impact information on Drug Compounding


Chemical compound and disease context of Drug Compounding


Biological context of Drug Compounding


Anatomical context of Drug Compounding


Associations of Drug Compounding with chemical compounds

  • Nitrofurantoin showed little anti-P. carinii activity despite different doses or drug preparations [26].
  • In this study, we examined the glycemia and insulin secretion in streptozotocin-diabetic rats transplanted with islets subjected to immunoisolation with Algire diffusion chamber or with microencapsulation [27].
  • CONCLUSIONS: Microencapsulation using the present alginate/poly-L-lysine/alginate capsules does not protect islets against the detrimental effects of IL-1beta and TNF-alpha [28].
  • The method was applicable to the qualitative and quantitative analysis of prostaglandin E1 in a drug preparation [29].
  • The immunogenicity of formalin-treated influenza vaccine was preserved during the microencapsulation process, and the microencapsulated antigen induced protective immune responses after systemic immunization that were equal to or higher than those induced by conventional vaccine [30].

Gene context of Drug Compounding


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Drug Compounding


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