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Chemical Compound Review

Betoptic     1-[4-[2-(cyclopropylmethoxy) ethyl]phenoxy]...

Synonyms: KERLEDEX, Betazolol, Kerlone, betaxolol, Betaxololum, ...
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Disease relevance of SL 75212


Psychiatry related information on SL 75212


High impact information on SL 75212

  • Results showed an increase of 13% and 8% in mean peak flow rate and forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1), respectively, when using betaxolol; and of 14% and 11% when using dipivefrine [11].
  • We recruited 80 patients aged over 60 years, who were without a history of airways disease and already used timolol, into a randomised crossover study comparing the effects on spirometry and exercise tolerance of changing to betaxolol or dipivefrine therapy [11].
  • In the present experiments using single doses of antagonists that appeared to block 60% of beta 2- or beta 1-adrenergic receptors, it was found that the selective beta 2 antagonist ICI 118,551 was without effect on engram spread, whereas the selective beta 1 antagonist betaxolol inhibited the spread for at least 3 months [12].
  • Autoradiographic inhibition curves with betaxolol or ICI-118,551 demonstrated that both the sinoatrial node and the atrioventricular bundle had inhibition profiles similar to the surrounding myocytes (predominantly beta 1) but unlike the inhibition profiles of arterioles (predominantly beta 2) [13].
  • To delineate the distribution of beta-receptor subtypes in myocytic and vascular components of the heart, we incubated transmural sections of canine left ventricle with [125Iodo]cyanopindolol and selected concentrations of the beta 1-selective antagonist betaxolol or the beta 2-selective antagonist ICI 118,551 [14].

Chemical compound and disease context of SL 75212


Biological context of SL 75212


Anatomical context of SL 75212

  • The subtype-selective antagonists betaxolol (beta 1), practolol (beta 1), and zinterol (beta 2) compete for [125I]iodocyanopindolol-binding sites on intact myocytes in monophasic manners with dissociation constants of 46, 845, and 923 nM, respectively [22].
  • When the effective refractory period of the A-V node could be determined it was increased by betaxolol, whereas no significant electrophysiologic effects were observed in the atrium, the ventricle or the accessory pathway [5].
  • Inverse agonists, able to reduce basal intracellular cAMP levels, such as betaxolol and ICI118551, resulted in both increased plasma membrane receptor and increased diffuse intracellular staining [23].
  • Effects of betaxolol on light responses and membrane conductance in retinal ganglion cells [17].
  • CONCLUSIONS: Topically applied betaxolol was bioavailable to posterior ocular tissues, including the retina and optic nerve head, of patients with glaucoma and of normal cynomolgus monkeys [24].

Associations of SL 75212 with other chemical compounds


Gene context of SL 75212


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of SL 75212

  • beta-Adrenergic receptor subtypes were localized and differentiated in rat kidney slices by in vitro autoradiography using the nonselective beta-antagonist [125I]iodocyanopindolol in the presence of the selective agents betaxolol (beta 1) and zinterol (beta 2) [33].
  • An IV dose of 20 mg of betaxolol per 1.73 m2 body surface area (BSA) was followed by six daily oral doses [21].
  • To test this statement, 12 patients with mild to moderate hypertension performed a submaximal exercise test during treatment with placebo and after 3 and 24 months of monotherapy with betaxolol, 20 to 40 mg daily [34].
  • Sustained treatment of HEK293 cells stably expressing the constitutively active mutant (CAM) beta(2)-adrenoceptor-GFP with the inverse agonist betaxolol resulted in a marked up-regulation of the fusion protein that could be monitored by both fluorescence and immunoblotting of membrane fractions [23].
  • PURPOSE: To measure the concentration of betaxolol in tissues of humans with glaucoma and normal monkeys after topical administration [24].


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