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Gene Review

ITGAX  -  integrin, alpha X (complement component 3...

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: CD11 antigen-like family member C, CD11C, CD11c, Integrin alpha-X, Leu M5, ...
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Disease relevance of ITGAX


Psychiatry related information on ITGAX


High impact information on ITGAX

  • We have now identified a subset of CD4+ CD11c+ CD3- dendritic cells in the germinal centres [6].
  • The alpha d subunit is more closely related to CD11b and CD11c than to CD11a [7].
  • These results demonstrate that CD11b and CD11c are receptors for CD23 and that this novel ligand pairing regulates important activities of monocytes [8].
  • Analysis of CD11c-enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) or major histocompatibility complex CII-EGFP mice revealed that the number of trans-epithelial DC extensions, many with an unusual "balloon" shape, varies along the length of the small bowel [9].
  • The beta2 family of integrins, CD11a, CD11b, CD11c, and alphad, are expressed on most leukocytes [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of ITGAX


Biological context of ITGAX


Anatomical context of ITGAX

  • Unlike other mast cells, UMC expressed CD11c/CD18 (p150,95) and CD32 (Fc gamma RII) [17].
  • The leukocyte integrin p150,95 (CD11c/CD18) as a receptor for iC3b. Activation by a heterologous beta subunit and localization of a ligand recognition site to the I domain [18].
  • On the other hand, antibodies against CD11b, CD11c, and LB-2 showed only marginal reactivity with highly purified LGL-free T cells [19].
  • Recently, we reported that in U937 cells, expression of the CD11c gene is controlled by an unidentified transcription factor that binds ssDNA [1].
  • During differentiation of the monocytic cell line U937, Pur alpha mediates induction of the CD11c beta 2 integrin gene promoter [1].

Associations of ITGAX with chemical compounds

  • However, the activation of neutrophils depends on the interaction of CD11c/CD18 with the A alpha-chain of platelet-expressed fibrinogen and the contractile system of neutrophils [20].
  • In order to investigate whether binding of fibrinogen to these integrins is involved, monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) and Gly-Pro-Arg-Pro (GPRP) peptide that inhibits fibrinogen binding to CD11c/CD18 were checked for their effects on the interaction of activated platelets and neutrophils [20].
  • Genistein, herbimycin A, and 1,2-bis(o-aminophenoxy)ethan-N,N-N',N'-tetraacetic acid blocked the immediate expression of CD64 in a dose-dependent manner, suggesting that the signal is mediated through calcium mobilization and protein tyrosine kinase(s) [21].
  • FACS analysis showed that 1,25-DHCC increased the number of cells expressing CD11b in both DH39 and controls, and the number of cells expressing CD11c in DH39 [22].
  • Although AP-1 mediates the responsiveness to several other differentiating agents including GM-CSF, additional elements are required for induction of the CD11c promoter activity upon Sodium Butyrate-triggered differentiation [23].

Physical interactions of ITGAX

  • In this study, we report that in U937 cells, expression of the CD11c gene is mediated by the ssDNA-binding protein Puralpha [1].
  • We also identified 2 peptides derived from sequences of ICAM-4 that are capable of modulating the binding to CD11c/CD18 [24].
  • A soluble fusion protein containing the extracellular domain of ICAM-1 abolished C-GRWSGWPADL-C phage binding to CD11c/CD18 [25].

Regulatory relationships of ITGAX

  • During PMA-induced differentiation, the ability of Puralpha to activate the CD11c promoter in U937 cells increases, as does that of Sp1 [1].
  • CD64 expression is induced in a slow kinetic manner by interferon (IFN)-gamma and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) after 12 to 24 hours of exposure to these agents [21].
  • Functional inhibition of AP-1 expressed by hairy cells reduced CD11c promoter activity by 80% [4].
  • Like all other WSP tested, they induced an upregulation of CD11b but had no influence on CD11c and, most strikingly, CD62L expression [26].
  • Moreover, synthetic monomeric circular peptide C-GRWSGWPADL-C bound specifically to CD11c/CD18 and inhibited ICAM-1 binding [25].

Other interactions of ITGAX

  • The interaction was specifically inhibited by anti-CD11b or anti-CD11c, respectively, and by anti-CD23 MAbs [8].
  • As for CD7(+)AML cells, despite the frequent and intense expression of endothelial cell-associated molecules (such as Ang-2, CD11c and CD18), intensity of Tie-2 expression was quite low (P < 0.05) [27].
  • CD tissue was characterized by CD11a-, CD11c-, and ICAM-1-expressing cells [28].
  • MoAbs against CD11c or CD49d had little or no effect [29].
  • The expression of CD11c, CD83, and CCR7 in PA-treated NB4 cells was further increased by tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha treatment [30].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of ITGAX


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