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Gene Review

FN1  -  fibronectin 1

Canis lupus familiaris

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Disease relevance of FN1

  • These molecules were also able to inhibit B16-BL6 murine melanoma cell adhesion to immobilized fibronectin [1].
  • Pneumococcal adherence and virulence factor A (PavA) is displayed to the cell outer surface of Streptococcus pneumoniae and mediates pneumococcal binding to immobilized fibronectin [2].
  • A fusion protein containing the alternately spliced Extra Domain B [ED-B(+)] sequence of canine fibronectin was expressed in E. coli and the purified protein was used to produce an antibody specific for the ED-B(+) segment [3].
  • The goal is to stimulate critical thought and discussion in the field about cartilage fibronectin isoforms, their function(s) in normal cartilage, and their role(s) in the pathogenesis of cartilage diseases [4].
  • Fibronectin as a marker for osteoarthritis [5].

High impact information on FN1

  • A new study reveals that salicylic acid, the major metabolite of aspirin, acts at the level of transcription to downregulate the production of fibrinogen, fibronectin, and alpha-hemolysin - virulence factors necessary for bacterial replication in host tissues and, now, potential therapeutic targets [6].
  • On fibronectin and laminin 1, Tiam1/Rac signaling inhibits migration of MDCK-f3 cells by restoring E-cadherin-mediated cell- cell adhesion [7].
  • Ability to recognize extracellular matrix proteins, such as laminin or fibronectin, has been correlated with invasiveness [8].
  • The idea of induced reorganization is supported by experiments in which cell shape change, brought about by either exposure to cytochalasin B or growth on matrices of collagen, fibronectin, or laminin, resulted in values in the fluorescence recovery after photobleaching technique similar to those with active phorbol esters [9].
  • The use of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor during retroviral transduction on fibronectin fragment CH-296 enhances gene transfer into hematopoietic repopulating cells in dogs [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of FN1


Biological context of FN1


Anatomical context of FN1


Associations of FN1 with chemical compounds

  • In contrast, dibutyryl cyclic adenosine monophosphate decreased the relative expression of both the ED-A(+) and ED-B(+) forms of fibronectin pre-mRNA [15].
  • Fibronectin (FN), bone sialoprotein-I (BSP-I), Type I collagen, and a number of synthetic peptides containing the integrin attachment sequence (RDG) were evaluated for their ability to affect stress tolerance in osteo-ligament cells (OL) [21].
  • Finally, the flow-induced Ca(2+) response was not prevented by the fibronectin-induced signal [22].
  • Effects of NH4Cl and nocodazole on polarized fibronectin secretion vary amongst different epithelial cell types [23].
  • All known fibronectin splice variants retain the two C-terminal cysteine residues essential for dimerization, but cellular and/or structural constraints appear to influence homo- and heterodimerization patterns [24].

Other interactions of FN1

  • All three types of cells continued to express COL6A1 and fibronectin mRNA transcripts after 1 week in culture [25].
  • Whereas enhancement of DNA synthesis and induction of cell flattening by SF/HGF were independent of substratum composition (i.e. occurred on both fibronectin and vitronectin surfaces), colony dispersion as a result of cell separation fails to occur or is markedly reduced on surfaces where vitronectin is the major adhesive ligand [26].
  • Germinal matrix sections were also stained for antibodies to alpha-smooth muscle actin, collagen IV, collagen V, desmin, factor VIII-related antigen, fibronectin, glial fibrillary acidic protein, laminin, transferrin, and vimentin [27].
  • Three of the four specimens obtained at 2 weeks demonstrated a strong cellular and weak matrix staining pattern for IL-1 beta, TNF-alpha, MMP-3, and fibronectin around the cracks in the superficial and transitional zones of cartilage [28].
  • The first comprised a narrow glycocalyx, 1-3 microns in width, which consolidated over time and was rich in collagen types II, VI, IX and XI, fibronectin, decorin and the aggrecan epitopes, 5D4 and HABR [29].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of FN1

  • RNA gel electrophoresis and Northern blot analysis identified two (ED-B)+ and two (ED-B)- fibronectin transcripts in cartilage, each pair differing by approximately 750 bases [19].
  • To define the exact distribution of collagen type VI and its possible interactions with other components of the cardiac extracellular matrix, collagen types I, III, IV, and VI, laminin, and fibronectin were localized in the rat myocardium by immunohistochemistry, using monospecific antibodies [30].
  • It was observed that the phagocytic index decreased and the t1/2 lengthened at 18 weeks after either portacaval shunt or portacaval transposition and that plasma levels of fibronectin were elevated four- or five-fold after either form of diversion, whilst only being elevated two-fold after sham operation [31].
  • Jasplakinolide-induced apoptosis did not disrupt focal adhesions, whereas cytochalasin D-induced apoptosis decreased focal adhesion protein expression and occurred despite ligation of the fibronectin receptor [32].
  • Adult human endothelial cell enzymatic harvesting. Estimates of efficiency and comparison of crude and partially purified bacterial collagenase preparations by replicate microwell culture and fibronectin degradation measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay [33].


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